Happy Mabon! ? Today we celebrate the Autumn Equinox and all enjoy equal amounts of sunlight and darkness

Take some time out of your busy schedule to look back over the Spring and Summer and see what you have accomplished.

For many of us, this has been one of the strangest years in our lifetimes and we absolutely deserve to take the time to acknowledge how strong and resilient we have been.

The Autumn period is traditionally a time to rest and enjoy all that we have worked for over the past months and even if we can’t all go into hibernation, we can certainly give ourselves the credit that we deserve!

Light a candle as you work today and take a moment to reflect on what has come to pass and what exciting things you have to look forward to over the next few months.

Start sprinkling your business with magic – when you take a different perspective on current events everything seems just that little bit more fun and we start to believe in ourselves that little bit more.

Have a magical day!