Long back I was getting very disappointed by certain series of events. It was taking twists and turns and I was finding it difficult to survive that back then.
Thought I should fight for justice. Was absorbing it without complaining about it and realized that “I have to talk about it” But soon I would realize the fact that, It may not be possible to convince others that they have done wrong! Sometimes some people don’t want to accept anything at all adding to your misery.
There could be a pattern in this! You might probably be dealing with someone who doesn’t even want to understand you .Or even pretending that they have NOT understood you.
Later I realized that the initial “wound” that was there was much “more manageable” than getting further “hurt” by “JUST” talking about it to let others know what was happening!. Oh God ..What an irony!
May be we could be more at ease by ignoring those things which remain unresolved in our heart?
Keeping all those things in the chest and moving around as if nothing has happened is definitely not an easy task.
But moving the “unwanted thoughts ” in the mind into recycle bin! is one step closer to getting back to the days of happiness…
Is it possible to have a controllable, predictable life for one?
May be it is an illusion.
Nothing stays the same forever including those feelings of having got hurt. Time heals and heal it should! I also learnt during these periods of struggle in my life to look at those little things which made me happy.
Our mind goes running behind “obsessing” about the big things we can’t do forgetting those little pleasures we have within our reach.
I realized in a hard way that “Elements of uncertainty should motivate us to practice acceptance in our lives”.
Think in a little unconventional manner and instead of “expecting the worst” assure yourself that you can handle any difficulty that might come.
Forget about those who does injustice to you?
Yes!.. Instead go ahead with your work and look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Outside world can only invite us to become upset, butwe can decide on whether to accept the invitation or not….
“Turn your wounds into wisdom and your stumbling blocks into stepping stones”
Here is wishing you all A Very Happy New Year! and in case you would like to know how to stay focused in terms of adversities I would like you to watch the video below and read the note at the end… Thank you!
Author’s Note: P-PC helped me to stay afloat ..Yes! Here is that part of my story….August 17th,2019,-I have just returned from a successful trip with an agreement to support the growth of one of those #manufacturing companies from the #msmesector. …
….And then, a freak accident happens.. I ended up in the hospital and Into the ventilator.
Recuperation from a broken clavicle bone takes couple of months. Though support systems & associates are the best available, I was not in a position to dedicate all that I could have done and things soon turn topsy-turvy.
While I managed to get back again on my feet and was busy tying the loose ends the #covid scenario strikes like a bolt from the blue! everywhere.. The situation becomes more difficult! with the new challenges.
Yes,We managed to pull it all together we are back on our feet and all geared up to tackle the new normal.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who stood by.
Thank you is such a small word.
Things are looking great again and we have inked few more consulting associations with some more #startups this time.
In times like these I would urge all my friends here to be more #resilient (focus on striving hard and Succeed Even When You Feel Drained Out).
Hoping that you all find this message useful and I would request you all to put in to practice P-P-C and get ahead in difficult times. Have a great year ahead everyone… Link for more reading : https://community.thriveglobal.com/stories/p-p-c%E2%80%8B-as-a-strategy-for-business-ownersstartups-enthusiasts-entrepreneurs/