Last May, I told you about my children’s amazing, first public speaking experience in my article The One Biggest Influence On Your Future, which made me flashback to mine.
I was a junior in high school and took public speaking as an elective. I don’t know what I was thinking because I was absolutely terrified of speaking in public. I remember thinking, “why would anybody run for student government because they would have to give a speech.” That sounded like the worst thing in the world to me; both writing it and delivering it.
Does that surprise you?
Yes, I now do this for a living, but the truth is, it still, at times, terrifies me. And that’s okay. Actually, it’s more than okay. When I feel butterflies before going on a stage, it tells me that what I’m about to do is important to me. It tells me that I care.
I now teach people how to get up on the stage, how to stand in front of the board room, and how to harness those butterflies. I like to say, “butterflies are great, we just want to control the way and the direction they fly.”
I wish I knew then what I know now. I still remember the feedback my teacher gave me after my first presentation. He said, “I spoke a mile a minute.” (I am from Jersey after all!) He added, “My voice shook and could not be heard past the third row.” My hands and my legs were probably shaking too. I stood directly behind the podium to hide that fact, which worked against me since I couldn’t be seen over it. Nope, I haven’t grown since the 9th grade and am still waiting to hit 5 feet!
Why do I share all this embarrassing information? Because I want anyone out there to know that this can be learned. You may never love giving presentations the way I have come to love it, but you can build the skills, comfort, and competence to do it well.
Who knows, you might end up liking it. I recently worked with a VP who literally had to take medication to calm the nerves before a presentation. Within 6 months he not only didn’t need the pharmacological support, he actually enjoyed speaking and sought opportunities. We work together on every board presentation and the feedback from his boss and board have gotten better each time.
Is this something you want to work on? Take a look at the courses or coaching at, Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Coaching. Maybe your whole team can benefit by bringing a version on site.
Whether this is in your 2025 development plan or not, manage your own mind. Remember you don’t have to love it, to be good at it.