As entrepreneurs we’ve become completely brainwashed by Facebook and we haven’t even realised it.

Your Instagram strategy isn’t working because you’re using Instagram just like you would on Facebook.

Facebook is the like the old man of social media. For most of us that means we use it every single day, have done so for years, are super comfortable being there and now our grandparents are commenting on our posts.

Businesses are now flocking to Instagram in the hope of increasing their brand awareness only to fall flat on their backside and then blaming the platform, saying it’s unfit for business users.

Just to be clear here Instagram is NOT Facebook and if you use it like Facebook you’re doing it wrong.

I want to help you do it right. As someone who’s matched her corporate salary in just 5 months because of Instagram, I know that you too CAN build a solid business on Instagram.

I’ve created a 3 part series to walk you through the various steps you need to take to do this effectively and first up we have…

Finding your tribe on Instagram

Every day I’m asked: “How do you find potential clients on Instagram?”.

In essence, it’s actually not all that different from how you might find them on Facebook. For most businesses they will research the various Facebook groups that are full of those potential clients they are all looking for. Within Instagram all you need do is switch the words “Facebook GROUP” with “Instagram ACCOUNT”. There are no groups within Instagram so what you must do is identify the accounts that have a collection of followers that match the identity of your ideal clients.

This might mean looking at the following:

Influencers – those who are at the top of their industry usual gather a large crowd of followers wanting to gain knowledge and inspiration.

Governing Bodies – for those within an industry that require them to be part of a governing body it can be very useful to check out these collections of people. Usually they will be full of the professionals associated with that body.

Product Companies – most business owners will purchase something for their business. That might look like a supplements company to a Nutritionist, an images stock library specific to their niche, or marketing software to a Social Media Manager. Either way truly understanding your ideal client’s needs and requirements will point you in the direction of the things they might be interested in buying for their business.

In the second part of this series I’ll be talking to you about how to ENGAGE with your audience once you’ve found them so keep your eyes peeled for that.

If you’re looking to learn more about Instagram and online visibility you can find me each day within my community Making Visibility Effortless


  • Sam Bearfoot

    Instagram & Biz Boss Lasy

    Sam has worked in the online space for more than 13 years. 10 of those years was spending within the health industry which included being a Radio Presenter and Podcaster with more than half a million downloads to her name.   Now she focuses her energy on helping her audience stand out on a crowded market while using their authentic voice. She has an Instagram follower network of over half a million and more than a 600 follower network across the social media space.