Has much of your life felt like the same shit, different day?
If the answer is yes, as Dr Phil would say, how’s that working for you? Probably not well. If you aren’t taking risks and making real changes, you are likely still stuck in the same health, emotional, relationship, financial and other ruts you have been in for a long time. You are probably not happy and either blaming yourself or blaming everyone else for your misery.
Blame is a waste of energy and so is anger unless you use it as fuel for change.
I hear you, change is hard. But is it really, or is that just the bullshit we tell ourselves to falsely try to stay in control? Want to know what I think is hard? Boredom, sadness, grief, chronic illness with false hope of never feeling better, being in relationships where you are treated like you don’t matter and not being able to be yourself or to follow your dreams. Those things are really hard.
We may feel that if we change, the people we know will abandon us. Are the people in your life who would abandon you for standing up for yourself and getting healthy truly supportive? Do you want to spend time with people who need you to be fake and subservient so they can control you? Maybe it is time to surround yourself with a different circle.
I made a lot of changes last year and at times it was unnerving. We moved away from a home we raised our kids in for 20 years, to a totally different part of the country. Of course I had my reservations but it’s the best thing we ever did for so many reasons. I’m baring my soul and writing a book, something I’ve known I was supposed to do since I was 16 years old. I’m now 52. I’ve expanded my thriving business, which I started out of thin air five years ago, using abilities I didn’t even know I had, I’ve been half way across the world twice and I’m living away from my two precious daughters for the first time ever. I miss them, of course but I know how happy they are and I’m glad that they have great guys to share their lives with.
Since this is my first book, I sometimes feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. Apparently I have at least some idea because I have an agent and serious interest from publishers before my proposal has even been fully released. I’ve been a Licensed Counselor for 30 years and I’m now a full time Medical & Emotional Intuitive and even though I know I am strong and capable, I still have self doubt. Fortunately I have daily communication with my guides, my intuition and Spirit (often the same thing) to help keep me focused.
Reflecting on my life today, I realized that like writing my book, most of the things I’ve done in my life I’ve felt like I had no clue about and did them anyway. Anytime I have been afraid and decided to accept and face it, afterwards I wondered why I was so afraid to begin with. We give fear more power than it deserves. Making things worse, we expect ourselves to know how to do everything and be perfect at it before we ever try. That is completely ridiculous. The only way we learn how to do something is by doing it the first, second, third, etc times and failing miserably. Everyone you admire for the skills they have has had to start from scratch. Maybe that is something to consider next time you are afraid to try and or if you feel like you will never be good enough.
Accepting and loving yourself unconditionally is one of the hardest things of all. It shouldn’t be. It should be natural. All of the people who have told you, including the voices inside of yourself, that you aren’t good enough, are lying. We are all born perfect and nothing can take that away.
Age really is just a number. It is never too late to take a risk, to change your thoughts and to do at least one thing differently. One will lead to two and before you know it, you will wonder what you were ever afraid of in the first place. Regret is hard. Change is rewarding.