Megan Shears

Megan Shears is a 23-year-old Texan woman who manages a couple of businesses, is also a model and owner of Vegan Gummies. Today, Megan is able to help people change their financial income by teaching them to make their own online business, as well as sharing her experience growing multiple businesses and starting from scratch.

As business professionals, contrary to popular belief, we do not always have the answers to every possible challenge that is thrown our way in our day jobs. That is why we have mentors to help us and guide us through some of our challenging days at work.

A mentor is someone you can look up to. It is a person who guides you and helps you in making well informed decisions. Mentorship means that someone takes you under their wing to teach you how to fly.. so to speak. “One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination says Megan.

Mentors help you cross that bridge between knowing and doing by passing on their skills and knowledge that they have acquired throughout the years. Although there might be generation gaps, background differences or diversity, this is exactly what mentors are supposed to bring to the table to give mentees insights into various situations and scenarios. Mentors pass on what they have learned and in turn mentees can learn from their mistakes and experiences.

A mentor will provide you with valuable advice and insight into their own personal journey in the field that you have chosen. They can help you identify skills and expertise you need to develop further – and either teach you or advise you on how best to gain what you need. Mentors can also provide a good perspective on what they may have done differently given the chance. They will share tips on how they overcame any obstacles or challenges they faced along their road to success.

You may be a rising star and have a track record of success. But when starting a new job, having a mentor to show you the ropes is important. Mentors hold a very valuable key to your success; they’ve been where you want to go. Why try to reinvent the wheel when you can learn from a trusted advisor? Your mentor can tell you everything you need to know, including those things you wouldn’t necessarily find in the official “user’s manual.” Having a mentor will provide many benefits. Not only will he or she provide customized leadership to help your transition become significantly easier, your mentor will provide information on culture, attitudes and other non-tangibles that you’ll need to win in the long haul.

It’s easy to delude and deceive ourselves, and it’s tremendously beneficial to have someone else to be a real mirror in your life. Your mentors show you who you really are so that you can see your weaknesses and work on them. They’ll show you where you need to improve, especially when you’re not fully aware of it yet. They won’t sugar-coat it for you, but they also won’t hurt you in the process either quoted Megan