When it comes to their health risks, men and women are sometimes just not the same. For instance, women experience a variety of physiological functions unique to them–menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are a few. Because the topic about women’s health is very broad, diseases could sometimes be difficult to treat, or even just to identify and diagnose them.

In order to help you help you learn more about these risks, we’ve listed below some of the most common health problems experienced by young women.

Hormonal Imbalance

In both men and women, reproductive functions play a huge role in maintaining one’s health. For instance, the balance of hormones in the body is essential to a person’s well-being. While disruptions in hormone levels occur normally, women, especially the teenagers and those who are in their menopause years, experience this more often.

According to statistics, more than 80% of women experience some form of hormonal imbalance in their lifetime. In particular, many women tend to experience a condition called estrogen dominance, where they have deficient, normal, or too much of the hormone estrogen but have very low progesterone levels in their body. As a result, these women tend to have mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), cramps, heavy bleeding, as well as depression.

Premature Aging

Generally, aging is the normal process of getting old. While it is certainly a natural phenomenon, this process can be accelerated by the engagement of certain behaviors. With the increasing popularity of cosmetics and other skin care products, women tend to age faster than their actual biological age. Cosmetics are a good way to hide unwanted marks and blemishes, as well as to enhance one’s physical appearance; however, in the long run, the prolonged use of such products can take negative payback on the skin.

More importantly, aging does not only encompass the overall outer appearance. In fact, it could also denote the early aging process of the heart, brain, joints, as well as the biological systems in the body. Furthermore, this could lead to the easier deterioration of the body, incomplete healing process, and degrading immunity to various factors like radiation, exposure to harmful chemicals, stress, and even inactivity from work.


Science shows that women, as compared with men, are more resilient to diseases–thanks to their sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. On the other hand, these hormones make them more susceptible to autoimmune diseases like STDs. For instance, the prevalence of sexually-transmitted diseases (STD) in young adults to date (about 15 to 24 years old) represents half of all the STDs. As compared with older adults, younger people have a higher risk of having these diseases due to biological, behavioral, and even cultural reasons. Unprotected sex is a major risk factor, especially among younger women. In fact, statistics show that almost 25% of sexually active adolescent women have an STD like chlamydia and gonorrhea, representing the highest reported cases among women.

According to studies, women have the higher chances of suffering from STD symptoms like itching and bumps in the genital area, and burning feeling during urination. Because many STDs are asymptomatic (do not show any symptom at all), many patients are left untreated. Somehow, due to these manifestations, treatment methods can be done earlier.

Originally published at biotechstocks.us