As a mom of three littles (who also runs a small company), burnout can knock on the door a little too often. And a little too loudly.
So, today’s post is for all of us out there who work hard but sometimes need a nudge to slow down and enjoy life.
At the end of the day, this life is precious. And it’s really quite short. It’s important to give ourselves the love and care WE deserve too. So that we are truly here for it. Giving all that we can give. And enjoying the moments in between.
So, here’s a big list of helpful tools when you need to make your self-care a bigger priority in your life. And surprise: most of them are free!
– Community: Have you spent time with family or friends recently? Schedule a time to see each other now.
– Unplug: If you are constantly connected to social feeds and information overload, you’ll never gain a sense of peace.
– Journaling: It’s such an unvalued practice. Let go of your toxic emotions, record your blessings, and reflect on how to make your life better with this one simple tool.
– Exercise: Our bodies are made to move! Movement will give you energy and make you happier (it’s proven!). Plus, it releases a ton of ongoing stress. And if you can get out in nature, it’s a double bonus.
-Breathe: Deep belly breaths can calm you down in the blink of an eye. I especially love the box breathing method where you breath in for 4 counts, hold 4 counts, out 4 counts, hold 4 counts.
And to help your family too, check out these breathing exercises for kids.
– Nutrition: If your body doesn’t perform like it should, make one small change to give it better fuel during the day.
Which habit do you need to incorporate into your life more? (I’m working on nutrition and journaling these days 🙂
In Conclusion
Of course, these aren’t the only tools that will make you feel great. And yet, if you pick even ONE of them, you’ll skyrocket the way you feel about yourself, your day, and your life. Just by taking one step in the right direction.
And who knows where it could lead? At the very least, a little more peace and joy await!
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” –- Buddha