There are so many issues that seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s come across. They not only fear about their total loss of thinking and reasoning but also suffer from the loss of their identity.

It gets difficult for them to judge the things that are happening around them in their life. That is why they get sensitive. Factors like changes in the environment, illness or anything can be the cause of their agitation. Therefore, the job of a caregiver is a challenging one.

The caregivers must understand the situation of these patients. These troubled folks are experiencing a harsh reality. All the caregivers can do is be a little empathetic towards the patients.

Here is a list of a few things that you must consider while handling patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Have a look at them!

Lower Down The Noise

It is important to note that the noise can cause stress to the dementia patients. If the sounds are repeatedly coming from somewhere, it can make the patient angry.

The best thing that can be done to reduce the noise is using the sound absorbing furnishings in the home. Also, it is better to close the windows and doors of the house to prevent the noise. Double glazed windows can also be of great help. On the other hand, silence can also have a devastating impact on the mood of the patient.

Play Music In The Background

Music has the power of soothing the patient by providing him with peace of mind. Yes, you can use music to offer relief to patients.

When patients listen to music, their brain releases a fluid that makes them happy. Music also enhances the memory of the patients and encourages them to be more interactive.

Therefore, it is beneficial to add this activity to the daily schedule of the patient.

Decorate The Home Accordingly

Decorate the house with the right furnishings. Keep the patient in mind before making any change to it as well. For instance, the mirror can have a damaging effect on the patient. Often, a dementia patient is unable to recognize himself in the mirror. He takes the image in the mirror to be a stranger staring at him. This way, the patient can get scared. That is why it is better to either get rid of all the mirrors in the house or keep them covered when not in use.


Herbal aromatherapy that includes scents like lavender, eucalyptus and others help in calming down the patients. These scents provide a soothing effect. Such therapies also help in improving the quality of sleep, decreasing agitation and reducing the cases of hallucinations. Therefore, aromatherapy has lots of advantages to offer to the patients of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Install Proper Lights

The patients with dementia are also affected by the improper lights in the house. The eyesight of the older patients is weak. Therefore, the house must have proper lights, which can help patients in finding their stuff. It will keep them calm.

Consult The Doctors

Before adding a new medication to the routine of the patient, consult the doctor first. He knows which medication suits the patient. Sometimes they cause side effects which cause irritation and aggressive behavior. That is why talking to the doctor of the patients becomes an important task.

Make Essential Stuffs Accessible

If dementia patients are unable to find their belongings, it enhances their stress level. The right solution to this problem is to make their stuff accessible to them.

In addition to all these, label the sections and objects well. It is crucial to use the stickers in those areas which are frequently used by the patients. Make the changes wherever you can. For instance, use glass in place of wood in the cupboard doors. They can easily find the things this way.

These small tips will make it easy for the dementia and Alzheimer caregivers to keep the patient calm and comfortable in every way possible.