Hey Girl. In honor of International Women’s Day, I’m writing you a little letter. Yet, we all know that everyday is our day, it’s our choice to make it that way.
The world needs you right now. It needs your light, your gifts, your wisdom, your courage, your voice, your essence, and your energy.
You set your worth, not your job, your boss, your lover, your family, your friends, your bank account, social media, and/or society at large. So look in that mirror and own the beautiful soul that is standing in front of it. Never let anyone lower your divine worth and essence.
Energy is currency. Surround yourself in nature, around loving kind souls, around the brave and courageous ones that are not afraid to shine their light our help you spread yours. Stay strong girl and keep that energetic vibration high!
The world needs you right now. You, and every woman like you and me. Together we are creating a vortex of change. The world doesn’t know what is hitting them, but we do. While the world is not an equal place YET, we know that research shows women are the world’s largest untapped resource and that given equal opportunities, women hold the key to being the largest contributors of positive economic, social, and environmental change in the world. You got this!
As you rise, help your sisters rise alongside you. ALL of your sisters. Those that are like you and those that are different. Those that might need your hand and those that might need you to raise your voice on their behalf. Young and old, no sister gets left back. OK?
The world needs you right now. It does not need you to fit in! So radiate your truth girl, that’s the best thing you can do for the world right now.
Connect with Mother Nature as much as you can. We both give life and hold the key to our future as we know it. Ya girl, that in it of itself is pretty miraculous.
Own the miracle that you are today, on the day that celebrates women, and every day that life honors you with the gift of another day of existence. How are you going to use that gift girl?
Hey girl, the world needs you right now. Never forget it.