At a very young age, high school senior Isabel Hoppmann thought of countless product and service ideas to transform into businesses. However, like many teenage girls, her young age presented a constant hurdle. Tired of waiting to be “old enough” and personally feeling ready to start her own company, Isabel launched SWEET (Successful Women Entrepreneurs Everywhere Today). The new platform helps and inspires other young women achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. SWEET gained rapid popularity as there is nothing else like it in existence. Women entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, ages, and industries around the country quickly jumped on board to help support the platform which has been going strong since launching in June of this year.
“I am beyond excited about SWEET because it is the first platform of its kind that is directed towards young teenage girls to help them become the next generation of successful female entrepreneurs,” said Isabel Hoppmann, Founder, SWEET. “My vision for SWEET is to inspire thousands of young women and girls to start their own businesses.”
The powerful new platform is without question a high-level resource for young aspiring female entrepreneurs offering invaluable information, advice, and inspiration for teenage girls around the world. SWEET presents powerful interviews with seasoned women entrepreneurs as well as women who are new to the industry or even still teenagers themselves. Founder Isabel Hoppmann also offers weekly themed days on her Instagram page; Tuesday Tips highlights one of the best pieces of advice from the women she interviewed while Thursday Thoughts details a business lesson she learned that week through a short video. Last but not least, SWEET is a one-stop resource for young women providing information on how to start a business in general, marketing 101, and even how to publish a book! It would be remiss in not mentioning that Founder Isabel Hoppmann will also be publishing her first book by the end of 2020. This young entrepreneur is nothing short of inspirational, launching something truly unique to help others during our pandemic.
“SWEET helped me realize for the first time that entrepreneurship is not an unapproachable path and anyone can start a business if they have an idea that inspires them,” said Alyssa Bannister, SWEET member. “The platform not only provides examples of real women who are succeeding within their field but also concrete resources to help inspired girls like me put their ideas into action.”