Boost your energy and balance your body with these quick exercise routines.
It’s the holidays and you are busier than Santa on Christmas eve. So many parties, presents to prep, dishes to cook, and cards to write! Not to mention the work year is ending so you are pulling extra hours and up all night on emails. Your skin is a mess, you have a headache that won’t give up, and you’ve been living off caffeine and candy canes. You just have to make it to New Years. Then it will all slow down.
I’ve got news for you: it doesn’t slow down. But YOU will if you keep at it like this. Sometimes you have to go slow in order to go fast. By recharging your batteries and taking mini breaks for health you find the strength to juggle your important life priorities and to-do list without losing your balance. Exercise can be a mini break for you. A chance to reboot, reconnect to yourself, get grounded, find energy and stamina. Most people think the last thing they have time to do during the holidays is exercise. But in fact the opposite is true. By choosing to make time for exercise you open up more time for everything else and are able to maintain a balanced, peaceful version of yourself.
Do you ever notice that when you make time for exercise, you somehow find more time for everything else? How does that work, are Santa’s elves working some magic? Nope. When you make time for exercise you boost your metabolism and increase your energy, providing you with the stamina and strength to tackle your to-do list with ease. Bonus, when you move your body you also move your mind, increasing your focus and ability to get more done in less time. So like magic you have it: more time in your day for what you want and need.
When it comes to making exercise a mini break, remember: you don’t need a lot of time; especially during the holidays when your goal is to maintain energy, fitness, and peace of mind. Little bursts of movement are actually better in helping you manage your health without added stress. Find 10 minutes in the morning before the day begins and jump start your metabolism with a yoga flow routine. Or ease into your evening with 15 minutes of basic bodyweight strength moves when you get home. Just do a little bit and if a little bit leads to more, great! If it’s only 5 minutes, remember 5 is a better break than 0. Let yourself off the hook and drop the guilt over not making it to the gym or “putting in an hour of time”. Do what you can. Give yourself the gift of using fitness to give your brain and body a reset. Use exercise as a tool to FEEL your best throughout the holidays and manage your crazy, busy life.
“Ok Caroline, all of this sounds great…. but what are the workouts I should do when I only have a few minutes to myself?” Great question! Ive put together a few of my YouTube workout video suggestions below to get you started. You’ll find more short, effective, energizing, and stress busting workout videos by subscribing to my YouTube Channel here. Make sure to check out the playlists like: Abs and Core workout videos, Strength Workouts, or Quick, Effective Stretching Routines. With so many short videos to choose from, you’ll be feeling refreshed in literally no time!
Holiday Helper Workout Videos. Boost Your Energy and Balance Your Body with these quick exercise routines.
10 Minute Cardio Circuit
10 Minute Yoga Flow For Energy
8 Minute Inner Thighs and Abs Workout
8 minute Arms, Abs, and Back Workout
15 Minute Bodyweight Strength Workout You can do at Home
Mentally, physically, and emotionally your holidays will be more joyful when you are healthy. Taking the time to energize yourself with exercise and ground yourself with rest is the recipe that allows you to experience the season with less stress. I want you to look at your fitness not as something you should do to look good, but instead something you can do to FEEL good. Your energy and health is an essential ingredient to your success.
Your health is the greatest gift, and taking care of it allows you to live your life to the max. Give a gift to yourself, your family, and your work by opening up to a happier, healthier, more effective self. Take time to take care of you and enjoy the life you have been given. Make the choice to feel good about yourself, about your world, about your possibilities and the step you’re taking right now. Do so and you’ll be smiling all the way into the New Year.
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You deserve to feel good. Here’s to you, living a life you love.
Originally published at on December 20, 2015.