Saving energy at home thanks to the proper use of our appliances is easy if we learn to follow a series of guidelines. Being ecological and thrifty in this case is the same thing, and from each house, with not too much effort, it can be achieved. As a general advice, it is essential to take into account the specifications of the device when buying it and make sure that its benefits are adapted to what we need and that its energy efficiency is as optimal as possible. Regarding other considerations, each appliance has its formulas: Visit this site of Appliance Repair Lg for further details
Laptops have a much lower consumption than desktop computers due to their own idiosyncrasy, since they are designed to consume little and that the batteries last as long as possible. A curious fact is that the black screensaver consumes less energy and the same happens with flat screens.
Homes with central air conditioning installations are more energy efficient. Something very obvious but very useful is to have the house well insulated and install awnings on windows and balconies. The temperature that we mark should not be less than 24 or 25 degrees.
The TV is the appliance that consumes the most, although it is also one of the most advanced in this regard. It depends on the type of screen; this appliance will have a different consumption. The ones that consume the least are LEDs, followed by LCD and plasma. And the most, the cathode ray. Turning off the TV completely and not using standby stops the device from consuming energy while we are not using it.
Should be noted that of these types of appliances, the ones that consume the most energy are those that produce heat (toasters, sandwich makers, coffee makers…).
According to data from the IDAE, the washing machine is the third appliance that consumes the most energy in the house. Putting it fully loaded, using the “ECO” programs and washing at a low temperature are tips that administrations share with us.
There is a false belief that fast washing is more ecological. This is a mistake; in fact ecological or economic washes last longer but consume less energy. Fully loading the dishwasher before starting it and buying one of the size that suits our day to day is important too.
The final key for our appliance to comply with ecological guidelines is not to forget about it when we dispose of it. So that the end of your appliances is sustainable … RECYCLE.
From IDAE they report: “All electrical and electronic equipment must be treated separately as waste from the moment they leave your home, and especially those that include circuits with refrigerant gases.”