If only for a moment, close your eyes.
Go home in your mind.
Go home in your soul.
What does that feel like for you? What does home mean to you?
Maybe it’s playing outside on a warm summer day, playing jumprope, playing tag, playing catch without a worry in the world. Really being and living in the present moment.
Maybe it’s laying outside at night on your front lawn, looking up at the stars, watching fireflies light up and disappear into the night without a worry in your mind. Really being and living in the present moment.
Maybe it’s eating dinner at your mom’s house on a Sunday afternoon. Maybe it’s playing beauty shop with your little girls. Maybe it’s crocheting or doing crafts on a Saturday morning. Really being and living in the present moment.
Stop for a moment and take a deep breath in. Let a big sigh out.
If only for a moment, feel at home.
Not gripped by fear.
Not gripped by all the heaviness of the world.
Not gripped by all your worries, all your grievances, all the chaos of the world.
If you’re having a hard time these days and can’t seem to see your way through to the light at the end of the tunnel, take a moment to yourself, close your eyes and go home.
Feel the safety, security, feeling of being home.
Grounded and familiar. Light and airy. If only in your mind, in your soul….go home.