Have you had an experience similar to someone else and as they share their story, you reply, “Me Too!”?

Recently there has been a campaign on a social media site for anyone who has been sexually harassed or assaulted to share their experience by using the hashtag # MeToo.

We can have exclusive relationships but seldom totally exclusive experiences.

In fact I think many people feel victimized by experiences at work that are not even based on harassment or assault.

Do You Feel LIke A Victim At You Job?

A victim feels exploited,powerless,intimidated and often at the mercy of the circumstance.

I see this often with my clients.

Whether working in Corporate, Education, Health Care or even in blue collar work,many have had successful careers that hit a bump.

Some are frustrated with their lack of moving forward, some are burned out,some have become commodities, shuffled around and discarded as a company experiences change, some simply dread doing what they do but have to pay the bills.

Being a victim of your career is like going to work each day with a noose around your neck.

Although perhaps not a crime, many people suffer consequences of work experiences which actually change their lives.

One of my clients uprooted her family and moved four different times in 11 years in order to hang on to a position she enjoyed.After the fourth move, a new CEO arrived and made her life miserable,not the #MeToo kind of assault but one that scarred her nevertheless.Gradually she found herself in a position which constantly felt volatile.She was asked to work on assignments she was not qualified to do, handle situations she did not have experience with and take the fall for mistakes she hadn’t made. She was miserable and a trip to H.R. didn’t really do more than put a bad taste in the CEO’s mouth.

She was let go after a buy out by a larger organization. It was both a blessing and a curse as she works to start her own company now.

Another client I am working with has been miserably cornered into a position with no advancement in sight because of a change in policy at the top.

I know what it is like to be in a “me too” career experience.I left a job I enjoyed because a strong union presence supported a position rather than their members.When I wanted to move into a part time position and a fellow untenured colleague wanted my full time position, we were not permitted to switch even though we were both qualified,simply based on the premise that the union did not support non-tenured individuals in a permanent position.

It should have worked out for both of us, but it didn’t.

Looking back it was a stepping stone for me as I began to work as an entrepreneur.So,yes I can honestly say, “Me too” when I talk about being frustrated at work, but also as an entrepreneur.

I understand the struggles of a start up.I honestly can identify with trying to raise a family, figure out how to make ends meet and wonder where your next client will come from.I have definitely experienced the “me too” even to the point of taking a big financial hit when one of my contracts ended.

I know you are scared about starting something new.I also know you are desperate to move into work that is meaningful and interesting to you. But if you have:

  • Have ever wondered if you can move into work you love while staying in a job you don’t
  • Worry you will ruin yourself financially
  • Keep telling yourself things are going to get better at work
  • Dread Monday mornings
  • Would leave in a heartbeat if you knew things would work out

Well, guess what?  Honestly Me Too!

I have experienced all those feelings.That’s why I can relate to my clients. I HAVE been where you are and I KNOW those feelings well.

I know you wonder how to possibly create a side income stream while trying to juggle all your responsibilities and a job.

I know you are afraid you will tip your family’s finances.

I know you feel overwhelmed and can’t figure out what to do first.

I know you are anxious about what will happen to you at your job while you try to create your business.

I know. “Me Too”.

The best place to start is with someone who HAS had that experience. I can relate because I have been there as well. I also have had an opportunity to work with exceptional coaches, mentors and advocates who have helped me reach the success I have had, so I know the value of having that kind of support.

Don’t think you are alone.More than 57% of American workers are dissatisfied at their jobs and more than 68% want to create their income as an entrepreneur. I would say that’s a lot of “Me Too’s!”

Being an entrepreneur did change my life and I know it can change yours as well.

I’d love to show you how to grow a side business that could become your main source of income. I know that can happen. It did to me too!

Learn how to Be Your Own Bo$$ 




  • Kathy Brunner

    Entrepreneur and Business Coach, Author, Speaker

    Last Brand Standing

    I'm a Career/Business Coach with a passion to help people move from day jobs to Dream Work, often by creating a side income that turns into life-changing business. I'm the author of Finding Your Fire, living fired up not burned out! I love writing, coaching, dogs, repurposing furniture, reading, traveling and a good Margarita. Come visit me at https://kathybrunner.com