“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops at all.”

~Emily Dickinson

The four million college students graduating this spring of 2020 have every reason to feel short-changed, with their commencements cancelled and some losing jobs before they even arrive for their designated start dates.

Yet, when I listened to the livestream of my son’s college graduation from Rochester Institute of Technology this month, I heard another perspective.

Many seniors, while in school full-time, spent their last semester of college serving in their own “frontline” ways of the pandemic. One was involved with a company making protective masks, while another was contributing to tracking data for the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

The college president kept reading name after name of students’ significant contributions to improving lives during the pandemic. I was proud of their courage, tenacity and ingenuity.

The happiest people I know during this pandemic are those who, like the college students, are finding a way to serve.

Hope is also a mindset we can focus upon that lifts us and others. Each time we choose to live in the present moment, and detach from the news and attach to our dreams instead, we can make a difference. There is a beautiful world out there, especially in nature, beyond what the media is currently showing us.

One way in which we all have the power right now to make a difference is to choose love. Living in that high vibration as consistently as possible can change the world.

Plus, when you stay in a state of love for just 15 to 20 minutes a day for four days you can strengthen your immune system by 50 percent, according to Dr. Joe Dispenza, a world-renowned neuroscientist. And, there is an added bonus to sharing that elevated state of being: “When you love others, you love yourself,” he explains. Check out the GOLOVE-20 video to practice his free, guided meditation that can lead you back to the heart.

There is even older research showing that living from love makes a huge difference.  Dr. David R. Hawkins, who was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer, taught that one person who reaches a state of love consciousness could impact 750,000 people. To learn more, check out his book, Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinant of Human Behavior.

It takes vigilance, especially when stressed or scared, to change to a love vibration. But, if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for this next generation, who deserves a much better world than we have given them.

With hope, and a special moment of pride for my son, who I know will make a difference in this world. Way to go Brendan Jones, and all our other future leaders–well done!

And dear readers, I know we can do this: Let’s rise up together in love!

In determination and focus,


SYNCHRONICITY: A special thanks to my friend, Denise Gilliam, a great nature photographer and frontline nurse, for recently capturing this American Goldfinch perched on a branch. Coincidentally, the goldfinch as a spiritual animal signifies abundance, prosperity, and the importance of positivity and optimism. In spiritual folklore, the goldfinch also appears to remind us to value happiness, joy and simplicity in life—and to celebrate accomplishments.

TWO NEW EXCITING COACHING PROGRAMS:   “THE JOURNEY TO INSTILLING A LOVE-BASED CONSCIOUSNESS: Release fear, clear emotional toxins, and instill empowering new beliefs.” Learn more about this powerful six-week coaching program based on the latest in neuroscience and other leading-edge resources, by emailing [email protected].

Another bi-monthly ZOOM meeting for “CREATING A NEW MINDSET FOR LIVING,” will also be offered starting in mid-June. Space is limited to six participants so early registration is recommended.

This post was originally published at SupportMattters.com.


  • Gail Kauranen Jones

    Transformational leader, intuitive coach, gifted wordsmith/author and inspiring teacher; owner of ClaimYourWorthiness.com

    “Declare your innate worthiness and keep loving yourself into the highest vision of your dreams." --Gail Kauranen Jones   Gail Kauranen Jones is an intuitive coach, gifted wordsmith and inspiring teacher who has been leading others through transformation for more than twenty years. She is the author of two books, Cancer as a Love Story: Developing the Mindset for Living,) and To Hell and Back...Healing Your Way through Transition. Both books were met with rave reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.   She has taught many leading-edge workshops at top spas and wellness centers, and continues to lead guided meditation circles. Gail lives a passionate and simple life writing, hiking, connecting in meaningful ways, aligning in joyful collaboration and thriving in nature.   Following her pioneering spirit, Gail is honoring "a calling" to help others release internal stressors by integrating a greater sense of love and worthiness. She has a new e-book about her unique process in the works.  To learn more, visit www.claimyourworthiness.com.   To order a signed copy of either of her current books, email: [email protected].