Most people can’t stand their jobs at least once in awhile. Sometimes workers don’t like the boss, or they have trouble getting along with a colleague. A few people don’t like their jobs at all. One study has shown that as many as 40 percent of those surveyed said that they hated their jobs.
If an employee hates his job, it will make a large part of each day a struggle. It will be just something to get through. More than that, studies have shown that hating one’s job leads to a host of mental health difficulties.
One study recently reported by Inc. Magazine surveyed those in their 20s and 30s. Of those who reported hating their job, almost 50 percent developed mental health issues by their early 40s.
Those who hate their jobs often develop anxiety disorders. Having to face a situation everyday that is becoming unbearable takes a toll on the mind. It makes a person dread getting up in the morning and going into a dreaded situation. Anxiety builds on anxiety leading to depression.
Depression is common among those who hate their jobs. Whenever a person is in a situation that she finds extremely unpleasant, she will develop a negative attitude that pervades all that she does.
One study published in the BMJ Journal reported that unemployment was detrimental to mental health. However, the other finding of the study was stunning. The researchers found that being in a job that one hated was worse for one’s mental health than being unemployed.
When a person’s mental health is affected by anxiety and depression, it often manifests in physical problems as well. Those who are depressed or suffer from anxiety often eat too much. It is often referred to as stress eating. Stress eating leads to significant weight gain which in turn can lead to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
Those suffering from depression and anxiety because of a bad job situation often have a depressed immune system. This leads to infections like the cold, flu and pneumonia.
Clearly, being in a situation where one feels depressed and trapped is not good for one’s mental health. When a person’s mental health is in decline, it brings with it a host of physical problems. Those in jobs that they hate have good health reasons to look for work where they will feel fulfilled and happy.
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