Failure happens. What matters most is not whether you fail (because we all will at one point or another), but how you bounce back. Journaling through failures can help you do just that by giving you a simple and consistent way to learn from your mistakes.
Day One is an easy-to-use app that helps you get in the habit of daily journaling. You can personalize each entry with photos, the time and date of your entry, location, tags and even music. You can also star your favorite, or least favorite, entries so that you can easily look back and see how you handled a specific situation. iPhone users take note: the app is currently only available to iOS 11.0.
One of the best features is a calendar of your entries so you can zoom out on what may have been a difficult month, and look for those “starred” days to find the silver lining. Or, for the purposes of embracing failure, you could find the days that didn’t go so well. It’s important to note the wins in our lives, but it’s just as critical to look closely at the moments we may have preferred to handle differently. Learning how and why things went wrong is essential to being able to bounce back from failure and it’s the key to embracing our missteps, and being more willing to take risks in both our personal and professional lives. In fact, it’s often in reflecting on our losses, not wins, that we find a crucial element missing from our success tool-kit, one we might not have noticed if we hadn’t looked back in the first place.