there is a odd feeling in my heart today.
on one hand, i have to say, i am happy
relieved that the constant barrage on our system has quieted
hopeful that together we can find ourselves and our nation again
thankful to a system of democracy that is bigger than one person
proud once again to be an american
i watched as people in our country were dancing in the streets
as if some big weight was off their shoulders
AND . . .on the other hand i feel so much
the pain and anguish of the other 1/2 of our nation
i feel their anguish for a political leader who they feel
was treated by the elite the same way they themselves have felt treated looked down upon and belittled considered to less than,
marginalised and stupid for what they believe
i feel the sadness, disbelief and anger of those
who do not welcome this transition
those who feel the leader they loved, really loved
the one who spoke for them and fought for them lost an election of over 150 million people by tens of thousands of votes in key battle states
i feel it all in my body; in my digestive system;
as if this news is hard for everyone to digest . . .and yet, i feel too
the shattering of a glass ceiling and i am proud to have lived to see
a 78 year old man with a disability and a black WOMAN,
that’s right a BLACK woman in the two highest offices of our nation.
and i am sad because i heard the republicans say we will not let the news media decide who wins this election, but i want to say to them,we will not let the courts decide this election either.
we the people came out in record numbers to decide the direction of our country. we do not want to be run by socialists, nor do we want to be run by dictators and that i why i call out to each and everyone one of us to come together.
if i were running the country now, i woud bring democrats and republicans together in a room and just listen to them, really listen to what they are trying to say. .when i go beneath all of the rhetoric i can’t help but feel that everyone of us just wants to be
loved and accepted
listened to and heard
and acknowledged and validated
and not only can we do this for each other,we do not have time anymore to not do it. we do not have time to only think about ourselves. we must find a way to come together and listen to each other and help each other find solutions that will bring us together. this is our country.
politicians can not take it from us
media can not take it from us
courts can not take it from us
we were given the assignment to find a way to co-exist together with the people of our country and the people of the world. we cannot fall short of the task we have been given.
that is why today, i have this funny look on my facei feel so much.