Um, no, having high standards is actually a good thing
There are times when it feels like high standards are looked down upon. It’s like it’s selfish or greedy or pretentious.
And, I am so over hearing the message to “be content.” There is a big difference between contentment and gratitude.
We can want and expect more, but still be grateful for what we have.
Because if no one ever raised their expectations, then we’d still be traveling around on horses. And, we’d make actual facial expressions instead of using emojis. And, Target wouldn’t even exist. Oh, the madness!
My point is this: Being content is sh*t.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting MORE, expecting MORE, being MORE, asking for MORE.
It’s not about how much more you can get, it’s how much more you can give.
Your journey to fulfill a lack of contentment just might be the answer to someone else’s problem.
Your mission to raise your own standards just might raise the standards for everyone.
And, your resolve to stay content just might keep us all exactly where we are.
Being discontent means that we know we are capable of more, and that journey of finding more and better is exactly what will bring us growth and happiness.
Not an acceptance of ever-changing circumstances. Or, a concession to be satisfied with the way things are. And, certainly not to conform to current standards.
At the end of the day, we don’t have to conform in order to be successful. Or, to be accepted. Or, even to be happy.
You simply have to know that better is possible. And, choose that for yourself every damn day.
PS – Click here to instantly enroll in the FREE 5-Day Permission to be Brave Challenge.