You have a strong business plan for 2021, a great marketing strategy, and KPIs set that you’re confident will grow your company this year.
But did you know there was an extra resource for all entrepreneurs that can help you put those plans to action and achieve your business goals more effectively?
The Secret to Goal Achievement is Accountability Groups
An accountability group is where entrepreneurs meet to share their business goals, report successes, share knowledge, and support each other in reaching those goals. More importantly, it’s about crucially holding each other accountable for achieving them.
Here’s how an accountability group kicked me into action. Over a decade ago I left the company my husband and I had started. Let me tell you – it was tough at first! All of sudden, I was flying solo to make all the decisions, bring in revenue, and trying not to fall flat on my face.
I confided in a friend who suggested a business accountability group. Fast forward, I did join. Within six months I had written and published a book, created an online program, and had a few clients. I had momentum and yes, it felt awesome!
Typically, a group meets weekly or bi-weekly and focuses on entrepreneurship, personal development, and business. But the key is in regularly checking-in with each other’s progress.
From achieving your goals to surrounding yourself with valuable business support, here’s why joining an a group can help you excel in business in 2021 and beyond.
Maintaining Focus and Drive
Have you ever hired a fitness coach? If so, were there days when you thought, ‘ugh, I’m too tired, sore, busy, hungry… to workout’? I’m sure we could come up with a hundred reasons to choose something other than exercise.
However, you knew your coach was expecting you to show up, and what a jerk you’d be to stand him/her up, right?
Chances are you showed up and worked out way more than you planned. You may have even patted yourself on the back because you knew how much you were resisting, but you persevered.
Best of all, after a few months of consistently working out with this exercise accountability coach, you looked pretty darn good and your confidence was soaring. You were reaching your goals.
Simply put, that’s the power of accountability!
Accountability is Proven to Help You Achieve Your Goals
Studies have shown that accountability makes a huge difference when it comes to achieving your goals. The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) found people are 65% more likely to reach their goals when they’ve shared them with someone else.
Taking it a step further and meeting with an entrepreneur group is even better, as ASTD also found people are 95% more likely to reach their goals when they share them with a group and meet regularly to review them.
When you’re regularly recounting your progress towards achieving your goals with other entrepreneurs, you can’t rest on your laurels, become lazy in working towards them, or make excuses for why you aren’t achieving them. By making yourself accountable, you’re simply giving yourself no choice but to achieve your goals.
When You Have Accountability, Your Goals Grow!
Being part of an accountability group, with other entrepreneurs, will help you set up a goal strategy that makes sense for your business. Studies show that having someone you answer to, will lead you to set bigger stretch goals.
As if that’s not enough, having a group of like-minded professionals around you is a great way to compare your objectives to other businesses and realize which areas you can push yourself further in.
Operate Like a Bigger Business
An accountability group creates a familiar, supportive business environment. When formed strategically, it can be like having your own board of directors. By meeting with a business mastermind group regularly, you’ll also have a trusted group of individuals to discuss business and topics relevant to your work.
What’s that mean for you? These individuals will also be impartial to your company, making them perfect confidantes to go to for objective business advice and support. Additionally, having your accountability group’s backing can make you feel more confident and empowered when making business decisions.