Brahma says, ‘I Create’.
The Achievers through the ages keep saying: I Created with Will and Focus.
Spirituals say: One Creates with Faith and Love.
New Age Scientists have started saying: As the Observer Intends, the Quanta freezes on the One of the infinite possibilities it can take.

The musical notes come perfect when there is complete absorption in them.
But, the absorption only happens when I really want it to happen, and when I keep the mind from being anywhere else, and when one has forgotten oneself all the while being one with the action in its flow.
It is then that Creation simply happens…

At that moment, when I am the action, and my mind and ego-sense have disappeared, I am one with the Universe.

It is then that I Manifest


Whenever my Mind uses its Will, focuses, gets absorbed, and disappears in itself to become one with that elusive universal Self, a Dream manifests.

Every person dreams and strives continuously, to manifest their own world.

So — my neighbor, my colleague, my spouse, my cousin, the train driver, the stock broker, the salon stylist, the gardener — we are all together striving to manifest our dreams to make an imprint on this time and space continuum, we know as The World.

In this ‘co-created shared space’, sometimes we collaborate and at other times, we compete to imprint one’s dream over the ‘existing world’, over and over again. We then have a co-created world, fulfilling each others’ Dreams, or even replacing another’s dream.

Thus the world we make is a co-created one.

So, the World is not a Given. We make it. However, do we experience our reality thus?


Since the reality we experience is a reality of a ‘shared world’, we don’t feel the power of being a Creator. Instead:

Since Childhood, we are taught that the World is a Given; One fits In.
When we fit into the family, we received Love.
When we fit in with friends, we received Companionship.
When we fit into school, we received recognition.

Everyone said, we were ‘doing well’.

Actually, I was fulfilling my Dream of love, companionship and recognition; and they were manifesting theirs.

As I grew older, my Dreams began to become multifold and complex, and I found myself not fitting in. Everyone had their own more self-driven dream, and everyone wanted to manifest it. There were few to collaborate and increasingly, many to compete.

Most people took the ‘shared reality’ as a given. They would take the easy way out, consider what ‘suited’ their reality, and how best they fitted in. They would let go of their dreams. It was pragmatic to consider dreams as just dreams.

I was also expected to fit into this world, already made by others.


If I take the shared reality as the Given, then I would have to let go of many Dreams, and be happy with just those that fit in.

But look at those role models who live their dreams…

The President who shapes the nation,
The Doctors who heal bodies and souls
The Sportsperson, who expands the limits of mind & body unity
The entrepreneurs, who build wealth for self and many
The homemakers, who nest and nurture their babies into beautiful human beings

Then why not me? I am not a person who is happy leading a life, just fitting into a world, made with someone else’s Dreams. I prefer to create my world, and live my dreams.


However, the overshadowing experience of this Given world, or Shared Reality, as I now call it, is persistently overbearing and absolutely grueling.

Not only is the reality domineering, it is also dynamic. Every time I pursue a dream, a new shared reality comes and asserts itself, superseding my dreams, whether unintended or deliberate. So many attempts of endeavor and engagement to have my dream become the reality have seen the shadows of shared reality emerge, making it neither what it was, nor what I wanted, at times vague, and often frustrating.

Then once, it struck me that all the other dreamers too are absorbed into manifesting along with me, but I will never be aware of those dreams.

Since we are all co-creating, the force and Will of some maybe getting their dreams manifested while some others have failed. The outcomes I therefore confront, at any point in time, are the realities of the collective manifested Dreams of those who can.


So, the failures don’t mean that my dream can’t be manifested. It only means the force and Focus of other’s dreams and endeavors have prevailed over mine, this time.

So be it — I will also keep striving to bridge the gap between the experienced Reality and my Dreams, and ‘Make It Happen’.

I will stick to my dream, bringing dedication, skill and Focus. I will refuse to be discouraged even when I don’t feel the power and control over situations. I will overcome hurdles, dodge them and find my space. If my dream comes crashing down, I will accept the situation and start again.

What I need is much focused energy, sustained by a clear and strong Will. Persistence, thy name is success.

The co-created realities can keep superseding my Dream — but finally I will imprint the Reality, with my Dream.

Originally published at