As I was driving my daughter to school this morning, she asked me “Dad, what does ‘solidarity’ actually mean”. Given the current context, I wasn’t surprised that this word had been lingering in her mind.
We talked about supporting people, shared values, togetherness, feelings, compassion and the many ways in which solidarity can be expressed. As with many things, there is a dark and an enlightened side even in gestures of solidarity.
Quite frankly, what really matters at the end of the day is how solidary we are to those around us, whether with our family, team members, and our community. Solidarity might be a big word, but it has practical and simple applications that can make a significant difference in our sense of belonging and in our capacity to develop trust-based relationships.
You don’t need to create a grandiose “I am Spartacus!” moment to show solidarity. Today, just take a few minutes to show your support for someone or something. Express the feelings that bind you to that person, cause, movement, or ideal, and let it be known where you stand.
We are all in this together.