Sometimes, life can tend to lie heavily upon our shoulders, with everyday tasks piling up and a social life seeming like a past dream.

You fear that your body is slowly burning out but how can you keep this from this happening?

Burnouts are a sign of a mass amount of stress and tiredness that hasn’t been taken care of, built up until you simply cannot take any more.

With such engaged lives revolving around work, family and friends, it can seem almost impossible to achieve everything. However, if you take a step back and spend some time on how everything started to become too much, you may find that some points could have been taken care of a while ago and helping yourself to identify them could prevent you feeling so burned out in the future.

Firstly, take a look at your work life, is this the main factor of your stress? Does it come down to missing deadlines, having too much work piled on top of you, or even the environment itself? Whatever the problem, it can always be resolved. It could be as simple as looking into your workload and delegating some of this to your team or colleagues, it is OK to ask for help when needed.

Secondly, it’s important to find a balance. Indeed, this can be hard when such active lives are led. But finding a balance and more so a routine can add more structure to your life, giving you a clearer outlook and help you stay in control.

Whether this is planning the weekends ahead or reviewing your workload and scheduling projects to make your priorities and deadlines clearer, even the smallest changes could help.

When this is steadily in place, you could be seeing great improvements in your mental health and wellness.

Alongside these key points, ensure that you have some downtime booked in. This could be a weekend planned simply relaxing at a spa or just at home. Feeling consistently overloaded can be the main cause of burnout. It is important to sometimes do… nothing.

Furthermore, if you work within a physically demanding role, such as a roofer, builder or even a warehouse assistant, if you’re consistently working on your feet, heavy lifting, it will take a gradual toll on your body. Ensure regular downtime treatments are put into place, such as booking yourself a monthly massage to relieve any knots and tension, or even a round of golf.

Meanwhile, take into consideration your stress level, it can find a way of creeping up with you and if you keep pushing it away, someday it will find a way to surface.

Exercise is a well-known method for releasing tension and finding the right exercise for you could help to uplift you. Relieving any unneeded stress that you have been holding onto, giving you greater clarity on the situation and releasing endorphins – the happy hormone!

Indeed, finding an exercise that is right for you could be more of a trial and error case. This could a relaxing hour of yoga a few times a week or a more stimulating class of boxing.

Whichever you choose, review how it is helping with your stress levels and if it shows noticeable signs of improvement try to stick with it.

With these key points in mind, finding the right balance and structure as well as using the right stress-reducing techniques for you, should help you to find a clearer, steady mind for the future. Leaving you with fewer, unwanted burnouts.
