Playing the victim on social media is considered one of the weakest options by leaders and experts.
However, when we go through some significant life changes or personal traumas, breakdowns are completely normal.
Because the human mind is both fascinating and complex at the same time, what a person may feel on a particular day can never be predetermined.
People who practice gratitude and the law of attraction go on to the extent of saying that our mind, our thought, attracts our circumstances.
However, the main point is dealing with our inner fears and insecurities and focusing more on cultivating positive thoughts.
Unless we learn to do that, it becomes impossible to step down in the other person’s shoes and analyze a situation in light of those circumstances.
The Confirmation Bias
Moreover, there is also the term ‘confirmation bias’ that Shaw Rowbottom talks about in her videos. Our minds constantly search for facts and pieces of evidence to back up our beliefs and worst fears, even though they might not be true. I know, many of my friends and family members suffer from this problem! For example, one of my friends got tensed when she discovered on Google that she has been taking some of the food items regularly, which could lead to her miscarriage. Her doctor had already prepared a diet chart, and that included the item. I was shocked.
In light of the current situation, sometimes it might feel overwhelming to recognize our current privileges. Many of us have the habit of self-sabotaging ourselves into the victim mindset. I think one of the primary steps to overcome this syndrome and force our minds into positivity is to recognize our current privileges before we react to our surroundings.
Gratitude Journal: Maintaining a gratitude journal is one of the powerful ways to remind ourselves to be thankful for this moment. Focusing on this feeling throughout the day helps us overcome the negativity and unanticipated trauma triggered by our circumstances.
Vision Board: One of the best practices to start your year or month is to create a vision board. It’s more like the business projection plans. The only difference is, here you focus more on your dreams or aspirations instead of revenue.
Vision boards and gratitude journals are some of the underrated topics, although many celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Lily Singh have started promoting the same on their social media channels.
Validating Your Positive Thoughts With Facts: If you focus on feeling positive, you can use the ‘confirmation bias’ to your advantage. You will try and focus on the facts and data that validate your aspirations and dreams and feels your heart with hope and thankfulness.
Daily Affirmations: Do not hesitate to speak up your daily affirmations loud and clear, like the Instagram reels. If practiced for a prolonged period, it can help you immensely in developing your personality.
In general, nobody knows which text or video content can trigger your mental health problems! And imagine how difficult life will be if every one of us starts playing the victim card and gets triggered again and again every day!
While it’s not okay to normalize social evils like racism, gender inequality, trolling, workplace harassment, here are some tried and tested practices that can help you be mentally strong and positive throughout the day.