I have just returned from Alicante Spain with my heart full of love, my head full of dreams and a vibrating body. 100 lightworkers from 12 countries came together for “The European Transformational Teachers Gathering” created by the lovely Steinar Ditlefsen and the vibration was so beautiful.

Being with colleagues from 12 different countries makes me believe even more that we CAN change the world to a better place.

I often feel like a pioneer in my work, and I walk many miles into unknown territory on my own crossing invisible borders and going far out of my comfort and skill zones – all in a deep desire to help more people and especially children thrive and fall in love with life.

Knowing now and feeling deep in my heart that I am not alone and that so many beautiful lightworkers all over Europe are also working hard every day to lift the vibration of love and remind us all that we are love, is so liberating for me.

With every child I touch with my books and teach to fill their beautiful hearts with love and fill themselves up with love at bedtime, we lift the vibration together. This might be invisible to the untrained eye, but to me it looks like rainbows, unicorns, shooting stars, bright light, and magical waves of love all together. And the world needs more magic.

The Danish bedtime meditation book “The Children’s Meditations in my Heart” is read by parents in more than 20 countries teaching children to fill their hearts with love at bedtime. 

With each child meditating, we light up hearts all over the world and remind them what they already know – that they are light and love. A knowledge yet so easily forgotten when they get whirled into society. And thus a reminder SO important.

And when the children through meditation connect to their inner wisdom, love and light, they are so beautiful little teachers to their parents and surroundings. You only need to look into the eyes of a smiling child to be reminded what life is all about.

I had the drawing below created by illustrator Anja Gram. I see it in my meditations and imagine hearts growing out of the beds of the children who are read “The Children’s meditations in my heart” by their parents all over the world, now in +20 countries and counting.


Every parent teaching meditation to their child helps us lift the vibration of love. As the Dalai Lama said – if every 8 year old was taught meditation we can eliminate violence within one generation. I strongly believe this is true.

A brave woman from the high north with Icelandic volcanic power and the most amazing grace went on stage in Alicante. The beautiful Sólveig Þórarinsdóttir, who I am proud to call my friend, dared say her vision out loud. She works for world peace in 2030.

If all children aged 8 were taught meditation right now they will be 20 years old in 2030 filling the universities, joining peace troops instead of armies, embarking on their careers most likely with a strong urge to make a difference, falling in love with each other, growing new families – all with love and a much higher vibration.

Can you imagine how they could change the world? Let’s plant the seeds of meditation in our children now and empower them to be the generation of peace, love and light. And if we are lucky we get to witness world peace as we grow older and wiser, and help them hold their vibrations strong, like old stars on the sky inspiring new stars to shine.

All it takes is a parent with an open mind, an open heart, and an open book full of meditations.

I share the dreams of both the Dalai Lama and my friend Sól – and invite you to take part in my BIG small revolution of love that just became so much bigger after joining my fellow lightsworkers in Alicante.



  • Gitte Winter

    Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

    Room for Reflection

    Gitte Winter, is a Danish writer, life coach, energy mentor, mindfulness instructor and lightworker (Roomforreflection.com). She is on a mission to help parents help their children to thrive through child meditation heart balanced living. Gitte helps parents become more conscious, aware of their energy and what they radiate, and teaches parents to always parent themselves first before they parent their children. Gitte is also the founder of Momo Academy (www.momo-academy.com) with a mission to help Danish schools offer mindfulness to the pupils as part of their education. She also coaches parents and do workshops. Check out the blog at RoomforReflection.com and meet her on Facebook for the latest news on child meditation and mindfulness.