It took me 27 years to be able to share my worth to everybody. So, how did I find it? It is a very direct question with me giving an indirect answer or has it been did I really find it? Or is it too early to make a conclusion? Everybody would say that it is great to have a family, raise a child, be a good mother. Quite frankly, I thought of that idea many times—I’m not ready yet. Raising a kid is like dealing with a younger me—witty, smart and a bit sensitive. This kind of idea requires a partner—and again quite frankly, I thought of this a million times, period. 

It is right to say that by doing this kind of writing, it became therapeutic for me. I am sharing this because I would like to put my writings on a book and see if I’ll be able to pull it off with such angst and grit and with the grace of god.