How did you wake up this morning? Pissed off? In a rush? Reacting to emails? Nervous? Anxious? Did you reach for the to-do list? Or did you not even get back to sleep after waking up at 3AM to pee and your mind kept you up spinning into minute details of your week? Playing out all the “What if’s” and totally creating a make-believe series of catastrophes? Then the rest of the day you were cranky and sad BUT suppressing it all so that you can show up and react to all those emails, to-do’s and needs of other people…all in an attempt to avoid the catastrophes you “planned” out in your head at 3am? How’s your vibe? How’s that working for you?

It’s all a choice! You can choose to stop at any moment and check in with your vibe. What if you laughed at your 3am brain planning catastrophes, and instead checked in with your body sensations. Took some deep breaths and pictured the best case scenarios OR just simply a great thought. And drifted back to sleep.This is something that you get to play with all day long. Dance and micro-align using your body as my measurement tool.


1. Make a list of the vibe you WANT TO HAVE.

Am I showing up in the highest possible frequency today?? Am I vibing a the frequency of divine unconditional love? Am I in a frequency of total peace right now? Am I radiating faith energy right now? Am I tingling with anticipation? Am I bubbling in creativity?

2. Get out a piece of paper and a few of your favorite colored markers or pencils.

3. Draw a self portrait -OR- print out a photo of yourself on the paper.

4. Close your eyes and do a body scan. Visit all your organs, muscles, bones. How do they feel? Any pains? What body sensations are you noticing? Tired? Twingy? Achy? Good? Harmonious? Get in there. Hungry? Full? Cold? Hot?

5. Now draw your aura. If people were to actually see the energy field you are emitting right now, what would it look like? Radiant? Bright? Beaming? Dull? Small? Non-existant?

6. Post this pic where you can be reminded of it in the morning. You get to choose!!! If you want to alter it then go back to the steps and CHOOSE IT ahead of time!

7. Run an experiment on yourself for the next 7 days. Do a body scan every morning. Then consciously choose the thoughts and feelings that allow your vibe to BE what you wanted (from your list).

At the end of 7 days do the drawing exercise again. Did your image change?