Starting and growing your business isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated and hard. It’s all about the way you view the business challenges and obstacles that come your way. I come across so many entrepreneurs who freeze or feel like giving up when a challenge arises that doesn’t fit into their zone of genius.

For example, you have all the tools and knowledge to help your ideal client, but you don’t consider yourself a creative and are worried that your website, brand look, launch creative etc. don’t resonate enough for you to actually get leads and convert clients.

The thing is, you don’t have to be a creative to visually enhance what you have to offer. You are the expert on your ideal client and that is enough to drive your business forward towards being more profitable. The key to your success lies in how you react to these sorts of business challenges.

You may be naturally inclined to procrastination – preventing you from leveling up your business or offer.

You could also give it a bash and identify some colours, images and layout ideas that you think will resonate with your audience but if you don’t enjoy the visual side of things or think that you aren’t very good at it, you may hit a stumbling block.

Another option is to accept that you need help! It’s not a mark on your business, your offering or on your capability of selling to your ideal client if you struggle with certain aspects of you business. The main thing is that you do something about it to ensure that your business is progressing – now that’s a positive mindset!

Your thoughts really do shape your reality and if you keep harboring negativity, you will never move forward. So find alternatives and have fun with it!

Being YOU is the best tool you have.

Self-confidence is so rare nowadays – there’s always that self-doubt that creeps it’s way into budding ideas, often squashing them flat!

Why do we do this to ourselves?! Well a lot of this may have something to do with previous experiences – working for someone else, that nay-sayer killing your buzz and others taking heat from internet trolls. It may just be that you are an incredibly humble person too.

I had the same concerns starting out, but I knew that my business had something great to offer, and after putting self-doubt aside, I started seeing that there were people just like me out there and they appreciated who I was.

The truth is that your ideal clients are people who have struggles that you have experienced – that’s why you saw the need for your products or service, right? This makes them very similar to you and less likely to dislike what you have to say.

Instead of thinking of it as putting yourself in the limelight, consider your presence as a “big sister” role in your followers’ lives. Your experiences, personality and thoughts are bound to be so relatable and helpful for your ideal clients.

Embrace your individuality and showcase who you are, your followers and your self-confidence will thank you later.
