Medical research has always been an integral component of scientific hierarchy. In this modern era, a research is conducted on healthy people. These people act as volunteers to undergo examination and tests along with observation to assess the impact of medicines. On the basis of results, doctors and other medical researchers decide whether the chosen medication is appropriate for patients. Patients of a particular disease or disorder cannot be directly prescribed medicines. This is the very reason behind utilizing medical research on people who are fit. Since these healthy people can show signs of improvement due to their sound health, they are deemed as perfect for medical research.
Strict guidelines and safe practices are followed to undertake medical research. For instance, if the age of an elderly person is above 50, then, the practices are accordingly altered. Free meals, accommodation and overall encouragement offered to the volunteers enhance the quality of their life. This age of cyber-savvy generation needs an internet connection, healthy meal and luxurious lifestyle. All these amenities are offered to an individual who volunteers for medical research. Following are the other merits of being a part of medical research carried out by various laboratories or institutes:
Medical research is for social welfare:
Biomedical research is conducted on humans while adhering to ethical guidelines. With the regular monitoring of the compliance of ethical guidelines, medical research is carried out extensively. Approved protocols are taken care of in order to proceed with various processes of the research. The Indian Council of Medical Research has proposed guidelines for medical trials which should be followed by the researcher. Since these processes of medical research are performed cautiously, they act as the best measure intended at social welfare.
Least damage and maximum benefit to the mankind:
Clinical trial or medical research procedures are planned in a way very subtle manner. These researches offer maximum benefit to human beings with less risk of damage. The research subject is supervised and his special daily needs are looked after throughout his monitoring period. Consent of volunteers, physical examination and other initial assessment altogether offer the base to deem an individual as fit for medical research.
Phase I – Maximum tolerance for a heavy dose:
Capacity of tolerating a heavy dose by human body differs on the basis of various factors. These factors include: opposite sexes, physical appearance or bodily resistance and likewise. Safety of maximum dose toleration is moderated by the clinic drug trial supervisor initially. In order to establish a practical observation, two medical research subjects are administered with dose of specific range. This action is aimed at understanding in-depth connection of tolerance in the clinical trial UK for pharmacological studies.
Phase II – clinical trial or research for monitoring and management:
There are several steps involved in medical research. After examining the tolerance of dose on both the sexes, Phase II of clinical research is focused on. As a part of this step, 20-25 research subjects are supervised and administered with different dosages considering both the sexes simultaneously. This phase is aimed at identifying therapeutic use, effective dosage and safety of the drug. However, every clinical trial ensures that research subjects are safe and are not harmed in the entire process.
Phase III – Multi-centric trials to approve drug for marketing:
The large number of patients participate in this phase of medical research irrespective of two sexes. Research subjects are moderated after administering of drugs to see signs of improvement. As a part of this step, drugs are approved for marketing if they are effective on subjects. On the successful completion of this phase, permission of approving drugs for promotion is granted.
Phase IV – Post-marketing studies for drug effectiveness:
This phase is all about post-marketing studies, wherein, additional information about drugs is reflected over. The impact of administering the drug, its marketing and side-effects are collectively recorded. In this phase, benefits and risks of drugs are assessed and a detailed report is prepared on the very basis.
In short, medical research is conducted on healthy people to check merits and side-effects of drugs before approving them for marketing. Hence, being a part of clinical trials is a noble and practical action which a healthy individual can be a part of.