However, when it is excessive or uncontrolled, it can trigger various physical and emotional disorders. The latter is the most common, and among them are anger, anxiety, and depression.
How is stress generated?
It is practically impossible to live without stress and, in small doses, can be the driver of our achievements. Its main function is to alert us about circumstances of emergency or danger, but when activated constantly generates wear and exhaustion in our body.
So, how does it affect my health?
When you do not know how to control stress or you do not find a way to channel it, it becomes a problem, which will begin to show clear signs such as anxiety and irritability. This is the first step to be able to detect stress in a person.
Then, it will begin to show itself in the physical: nervous laughter, headaches, and back, dry mouth, constant desire to urinate, etc. At this time, we can determine that the stress has not been dominated by the individual.
Insomnia is another condition that can be born as a result of a life full of problems and stress. Even some diseases can appear, not because the bodily defenses are exhausted, but because they weaken. The most commons are:
Arterial hypertension, which is one of the major diseases that develop without apparent cause, but is closely linked to the concerns of everyday life.
The weight gain is another problem that can be caused because of stress in a person, the product generated anxiety. This could lead to more serious diseases, such as cancer, which usually has greater negative effects in people with obesity.
In addition, heart attacks, acne, premature aging, hair loss, among others, are some of the health problems that are also caused by stress.
Although it is sometimes inevitable to learn to overcome difficult times, it is necessary to manage and channel them.
“There is no medicine to cure what does not cure happiness,” said Gabriel García Márquez. We advise you to give yourself the time to do what you like most and find the tranquility you need.
A great option for millions of people to exercise . You can start doing it for 15 and 45 minutes, with an intensity that represents between 30% and 60% of the maximum that each person admits. We suggest you walk, ride a bicycle or jump over obstacles.
Other healthy ways to combat stress are: yoga, take vacations or regular breaks, listen to relaxing music, get the right amount of sleep, and have a healthy diet.
And do not forget to laugh. Laughter greatly reduces the level of hormones that develop stress, such as cortisol, and increases the level of hormones that improve health, such as endorphins, and antibody-producing cells.