The real estate industry is a highly competitive environment. Agents and salespeople often struggle with finding and qualifying leads. Converting them is an even more significant challenge. To curb the difficulties of marketing to potential customers in a world on hyperdrive, innovators are coming up with services in park view city Islamabad that help real estate professionals build more efficient strategies.
One such innovator is Esteban Andrade, the founder of Hesel™ Media. The agency is a lead generation company that helps real estate investors, and top-producing agents find and convert leads into customers, most specifically sellers; motivated sellers.
Esteban is an engineer by profession. He graduated from Carleton University with a degree in engineering and has a certificate in project management and process optimization. He has extensive knowledge of product development and project management after spending years leading teams of designers, product engineers, and brand experts. Esteban focused on building himself as an advertising and marketing expert, creating systems that help automate the marketing process. After college, he moved to Toronto to work as a sales engineer. That’s where he fell in love with real estate.
The marketing engineer learned firsthand about real estate practice by helping one of the most prominent real estate investors in the city. Through his efforts, Esteban was able to multiply profits by twenty-two times in five months. He generated over 650,000 dollars in profit for his client. News spread out fast, and in no time, Esteban was in high demand among real estate investors who wanted him to build fully automated marketing systems for them too and help them generate inbound motivated seller leads.
Later on, Esteban started Hesel™ Media to help real estate professionals grow their lead base and create more income. He partnered up with two other marketing professionals, Paula Martinez and Brandon Lewandowski. Paula is a five-year marketing expert who has managed over 150,000 Dollars per month in marketing assets for companies such as Microsoft, HPE and Zebra. She is currently part-owner and Chief of Operations for Hesel Media. Brandon is a design professional that provides the agency’s clients with some of the most high-converting designs the industry has seen.
Hesel™ Media helps real estate companies and investors by providing marketing and automation systems, including Facebook ads management, Google ads management, search engine optimization, lead conversion, system automation, and branding services. The relationship often starts with an 8-week coaching program where Esteban and his team teach the ins and outs of online marketing through weekly coaching calls and an exclusive Facebook group. One of the main goals of the agency is to help real estate investors leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning for their business. Esteban explicitly says that “the program focuses on teaching them how to leverage the behavioral algorithm and search data of Facebook and Google. On one side you have the machine learning and powerful data algorithm that Facebook provides, and on the other side we have Google who is the behemoth of online search. This is without mentioning the capabilities of Youtube and other platforms.”
The marketing agency has helped dozens of real estate professionals and executives earn top dollar through their strategies. These strategies fit very well those well-rounded real estate investors or agents that have the ability to convert any motivated seller opportunity into a deal. Esteban makes it clear that “if you know how to make a motivated seller, regardless of their situation, and turn them into a client through any type of exit strategy, whether it is creative financing like subject to, or fix & flip, or perhaps list it in the market.. You will dominate the game”.
The feedback from clients has been nothing but positive. One of their customers, Martin Munoz, shares, “I was just looking to invest more aggressively in my business and I knew that with Facebook I could do that. I didn’t imagine Esteban’s capabilities overall would help me buy 24 properties to fix and flip in just 5 months only from Facebook. Now we are dominating locally, doing Search Engine Optimization to my website and making sure that I’m the first to appear in the Google search apart from paid ads.”
Hesel™ Media operates out of Madison Heights, Michigan. To learn more about Esteban and Hesel™ Media, visit the agency’s website and Esteban’s LinkedIn.