The Coronavirus crisis has affected all aspects of our lives and daily workout routines are no exemption. Remote learning, working from home, and maintaining social distancing have made us more home-stuck without exercises like breaking a sweat in the gym. Though you may feel lazy amid lockdowns and skip exercises at these troubled times, health experts opine that you need to work out to stay active, fit, and in shape. Only work and no exercise will make you obese soon if you do not start exercising again.
According to an article published on Entrepreneur, with lockdown and curfew, workout studios, gyms, and health clubs are not accessible now with all the facilities. Therefore, you should work out from the comfort of your home. Read on to learn more.
Robert Trosten explains why you need exercise amid the pandemic
It is true indeed that exercise matters during normal situations, but it is more important amid the corona crisis. Here is why:
When you work out from your home amid stay-at-home orders, it helps keep your weight under control. You do not gain excess weight. Even walking, jogging, and freehand exercises will help you cut back on more calories caused due to unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
When you work out daily amid the pandemic, it improves your immunity. Studies indicate that daily, regular, and even moderate exercise will boost your immune system to fight viruses, infections amid the pandemic. Exercises also alleviate anxiety and stress and help you fall asleep quickly at night.
Staying active despite staying at home
Even when you are working from home, you can stay active, thinks Robert Trosten. Based on the findings of the American Heart Association, grownups must do at least 150 minutes of average to intense exercises or for that matter, 75 minutes of vigorous workouts every week.
In case, you have some chronic ailment or you are a senior person, consult with a medical professional before you start exercising. Your physician or therapist may suggest exercises that are safe for your health and tell which workout types to avoid. read about Instagram
A couple of exercise tips amid the pandemic
Make exercise fun and you can do so if you stretch your legs with your family members. It could be a walk with your partner or parents, living room yoga, Zumba at home with music, a game of soccer in your backyard, or a swim in your home pool.
Follow online workout videos. You can learn new exercises like Pilates, yoga, strength training, cardio kickboxing, dancing, and more. Amid the pandemic, several workout studios, services, as well as community organizations are offering in-demand digital health and fitness-related content.
You can take up some homely chores to burn your calories like lawn mowing, washing your car, cleaning the garden, garage cleaning, and things like that. These activities will help you build muscles and burn excess fat.
Though it may seem a bit difficult to adapt to the new normal, especially workout routines, daily exercise will boost your health, immunity, and overall health during the COVID-19 pandemic.