By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes

The workplace is about to change.  

And we can thank (or blame) about 61 million individuals (Generation-Z) born between 1996 and 2010, who are about to enter the workforce and bring with them completely different priorities, values and needs.

In order to accept this new generation of workers, companies need to prepare by taking action now…And the best way to prepare is to better understand them.  

Here are four key attributes that Generation-Z have, which will uproot how companies operate and engage with employees.

1. Their high-tech minds don’t trump human needs.

Generation-Z is the first fully digital generation, and yet, they yearn for human interaction at work. In fact, 90% of Generation-Z reports wanting some form of human element woven into their work and team interactions. This means a workplace needs to provide the tech aspect with a twist of human connection. For example, if you have a Gen-Z employee working remotely, perhaps consider scheduling video chats instead of phone calls.  

If you’re managing a Gen-Z employee, offering your time to give them feedback or ask how their project is going will do wonders for their productivity and work output. 

This generation seeks a collaborative, team-friendly environment and craves positive relationships at work that go beyond online or social media contact.  

2. Their desire for work-life balance is deep.

Thirty-eight percent of Gen-Z views work-life balance as a top priority when choosing an employer. This is a dip from the 47% of Millennials who ranked work-life balance as a priority, but still trumps previous generations. In order to ensure you fall within the employers that offer an enticing work-life balance take steps now to reduce workplace burnout from happening. 

There are many ways to combat workplace burnout, including:

  • Unplugging from technology over the weekend and get out into nature.
  • Start a meditation group at your workplace
  • Remove your work email from your personal phone

Here is what employers can also do: 

  • Will I Lose My Job In A Recession? 3 Ways To Future Proof Your Career
  • Send out surveys periodically as a touchpoint to gauge how employees feel at work. 
  • Set up flex time and offer remote work so that employees feel supported and have a chance to step back when needed.

3. Feedback is a necessity.

Performance reviews and job feedback has historically been something that happens once a year, or if things aren’t going well only. For Generation-Z, this won’t fly, as 60% of Generation-Z’ers want multiple check-ins from their managers weekly, if not daily. This can become a major burden on managers if they don’t prepare time and processes in advance to be supportive.

Gen-Z does not only value frequency with feedback, but they also value measurability. This means delivering feedback to Generation-Z in a way that’s trackable. Address specific and tangible points that are as close to their behavior or results as possible in order to help them learn quickly. Explore using a technology portal that can track, or even trend, their performance.  

If daily contact is needed, It is possible that sending a short email or message that contains a single emoji or phrase is enough to help them feel connected and on track.

4. They have a good mindset about failure and feedback.

Failure is so often viewed as just that…failure. When a project doesn’t work or a goal isn’t met for most of us it means time to pack up and retreat.

This is not the case for Generation-Z. In their eyes, failure is an opportunity to grow and learn. According to a recent report, 80% of Generation-Z saw failure as something to embrace on their way to more innovation and learning within a project. 

They view it as a tool to learn and grow, not feel defeated.

When you have a better perspective of individuals. it becomes more possible to create an environment in which they can thrive.  

Don’t be that behind the time’s parent that isn’t staying up with the latest and greatest. Make changes now to capture and keep the new rush of employees.

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  • I'm a career coach, keynote speaker, podcast host (You Turn Podcast) and author, here to help you step into a career you're excited about and aligned with. This may look like coaching you 1:1, hosting you in one of my courses, or meeting you at one of workshops or keynote speaking engagements! I also own CAKE Media, a house of ghostwriters, copywriters, publicists and SEO whizzes that help companies and influencers expand their voice online. Before being an entrepreneur, I was an award-winning counterterrorism professional who helped the Pentagon in Washington, DC with preparing civilians to prepare for the frontlines of the war on terror.