I listened to a podcast back in March and remember finding Glennon Doyle’s view on society very interesting.

I bought her book not too long ago; it is the one of the best non-fiction I’ve ever read. I’d say about every three pages I had to take a short break to process fully what she had written. I’m not surprised she’s friends with Elizabeth Gilbert, as they both have this hunger to latch onto a feeling or thought and explore every angle of it.

She wrote it before the pandemic or George Floyd’s death, but this amazing paragraph that has stuck with me:

“In America, there are not two kinds of people, racists and nonracists. There are three kinds of people: those poisoned by racism and actively choosing to spread it; those poisoned by racism and actively trying to detox; and those poisoned by racism who deny it’s very existence inside them.”

Many of us are the third person who are slowly realising that they need to be the second person.

You cannot call yourself a nonracist or antiracist if you’re not actively fighting against racism, especially within yourself. The fact that I’m unlearning so many things has proved to me that racism has infected the minds of every one with white privilege, and me just saying I’m not racist is not good enough.

You cannot call yourself a nonracist or antiracist if you’re not actively fighting against racism, especially within yourself.

Actions speak louder than words, and I’m ready to get LOUD.