Blogger burnout. Yep, it’s real, and let me tell you it sucks. If you are already a blogger, or have ever tried becoming a professional blogger you may have already experienced some of the symptoms. I want to share with you what those symptoms look like, and how I squash it because it goes too far. 

Symptoms of Blogger Burnout

Here’s what it looks like to be suffering from burnout as a blogger:

  • You don’t want to write anything, and even if you do, you can’t bring yourself to do so.
  • You start to hate your blog name, theme, niche, etc…
  • The idea of reading other blogs irks you to no end
  • Suddenly, you are cynical about all things blogging
  • Jealousy of other bloggers that seem to have it all together becomes a constant 
  • You stop engaging with comments, or worse, delete them 
  • Concentration on the promotion, publishing, and the ins and outs of your blog is all but impossible
  • The very thought of another day of blogging makes you want to delete your account, along with all your social media profiles

I get it friend. I’ve built two successful blogs, and I know it’s not always easy to be a blogger. 

The constant pressure to push out amazing content. The consistent need to be on the leading edge of SEO, design perfect pins for Pinterest, and post Instagram worthy photos of yourself or your subject. It’s a lot to handle. 

Stop Blogger Burnout In Its Tracks

If you’re on the verge of blogger burnout, or are already there, here are four things you can do that may help. 

1. Get moving. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Go for a walk. Ride your bike. Just get your body moving. 

According to the National Institutes of Health, “Physical activity fosters the development of perceptions like mastery and self efficacy and has therefore the ability to diminish sensitivity to negative stimuli.”

It’s no wonder doctors prescribe exercise for stress, anxiety, and depression (aka burnout’s closest relatives). Physical activity simply gets your mind out of the funk it’s in. 

2. Outsource the stuff you don’t like about blogging

Many bloggers love writing, but hate promotion. Some bloggers love taking photos, but hate creating social media graphics with their photos. Perhaps you’re a blogger who hates reaching out to potential partners, sponsors, and fellow influencers.

Whatever makes you dread being a blogger, consider outsourcing it. While I understand this tip might be most appropriate from bloggers making a significant income from their websites, you can honestly outsource just about anything for less than you currently realize.

Also look at the tasks that can be handled on your behalf by software. For example, if you’re sending newsletters to readers, make it easier by using an email service provider like ConvertKit. 

3. Plan and batch all the things

One of the biggest reasons I see bloggers experiencing burnout is because they are overwhelmed by all the tasks, and don’t know which one to do next. Making a plan is the answer to curing that overwhelm. 

Create an editorial calendar. Add themes, and specific topics you will cover to said calendar. Then, you won’t struggle to come up with ideas each month. 

Next, batch everything you can. Create several blog posts over a couple of days. Then, spend an entire day or two designing social media graphics. Finally, schedule all your posts and social media updates to go live so you don’t have to try to remember to do it each day/week/month.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

4. Walk away from your blog for a while – fully and completely. 

Blog vacation anyone? Look, I know this is completely against everything you’re told about blogging. But, when you’re burnt out, you’re not doing your readers any good anyway. 

Take a complete break from your blog for a couple of days. Don’t read your comments. Don’t log in to your blogging platform. Don’t read your social media comments either. Unplug 100%. 

Bonus points if you can walk away from the internet completely for a while. 

The mental break may be all you need to recharge your passion for blogging and help you fall back in love with it. 

Don’t Let Blogger Burnout Keep You From Your Love

Additional things you can do to keep blogger burnout at bay include getting better sleep, meditating, eating a healthier diet, reducing alcohol and caffeine consumption, and seek support from friends and family. Blogging can be one of the most exciting professions a person can have. Still, it’s up to you to keep it from becoming your own personal hell. 

After all, we become bloggers to be free, not to feel trapped. I hope these tips help you renew your passion for blogging. The world needs your words, so do what you have to in order to keep the burnout away.