“Oh, you’re not gonna get in the media because you’re not famous enough!”, someone once told me. I was crushed. I felt really sad and worthless to be put down like that. Sure, I’m not a member of the world famous Kardashians or as controversial as Lady Gaga. But I do have my own unique story and have overcome indescribable challenges to get where I am today.
In my reflection, I asked myself “Why am I so upset? What is the truth from my perspectives?”. More importantly, I questioned myself as to “Why do I care so much about what that person says? Why am I giving my power over to her?”.
In that moment, I chose to let go of all those disempowering beliefs. I chose to bring the power back to me and shift the focus back to me. I believe that I have a beautiful message to share with the world. I believe that other people have ZERO power over me. I chose to stand in my power and have faith that God is my sole Provider and that He will bless me for what is rightfully mine.
“For things to change I must change FIRST!”
Money and You, http://www.moneyandyou.com
True enough I manifested my dream and amongst the hundreds of women, I was chosen to be in the front cover of The Corporate Escapists- a top international magazine…. Woot
Woot! You can check out the magazine here: https://www.thecorporateescapists.com
Many women have come to me and said that they were inspired by my story. My heart is full of joy with those blessings. For me it isn’t so much about proving that those people were wrong but it’s more about me believing in myself and that I have what it takes to make things happen.
5 Success Secrets To Help You Land Your Own Magazine Feature
So my darlings, it would be my pleasure to share with you my 5 success secrets that I’ve personally used that can help you to land your own international magazine feature.

#1 Social Media
If you’re not yet on social media, get on social media ASAP. Social media is a really powerful tool to help you get your message out there and connect with you with your target audience in an instant.
I hated social media before and very rarely get on in. But for my online business to success, I had to push through my own insecurities and started to get visibility on the platform. Otherwise, how else are people going to get to know and my services, right?
Here’s the secret, social media doesn’t control you. You have 100% power to control on anything that goes out on social media. When I realised this, it totally shifted my mindset and I started to gain followers and traction, yeay! You can connect with me on social media- just search for @izdiharjamil and I’d love to hear from you.
#2 Everyday
I post on social media everyday. Why? First because the more you post on social media, the more the algorithm is going to favour you and would show more of your content to an expanded audience.
Second, the general rule of marketing is that a person usually requires to see you 15-20 times before they start to like you. So when you’re consistent in showing up, you will rapidly build the KNOW-LIKE-LOVE-TRUST factor between you and your audience.
“The currency of business is trust and relationship!”.
Dr Izdihar Jamil, #1 International Bestselling Author of “Yes I Can!”, www.izdiharjamil.com
Just imagine Sarah who’s an entrepreneur doing similar things like you who posts every now and then- basically whenever the mood strikes her. Now imagine you, posting inspiring and high value content everyday. Which of these are your audience more likely to choose- Sarah or you? Yes- YOU because your audience wants someone that is consistently, reliable and trustworthy.
One of the most common feedback that I received is “You’re always on the top of my newsfeed” and “You’re everywhere!”. Absolutely! So who is my audience going to think about when they think about getting in the media and becoming a Bestselling Authors? That’s right darlings- ME 🙂
#3 All Eyes On Me
Statistics show 300 millions users use Facebook stories daily and 500 millions users use Instagram stories everyday. So how on earth are you going to get in front of your audience right?
If you’re implementing secrets #1 and #2 with consistency then you’re on the right track. So let’s take it to the next level. You gotta create content that demands people’s attention. Like when you post all eyes are on your post otherwise you’ll be lost in the millions of stories being posted daily.
“300 million users use Facebook Stories daily and 500 millions users use Instagram stories everyday!”
Source: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/insights/how-to-unlock-your-creative-potential-on-stories
Some of the ideas to create content that have the “All Eyes On Me” elements include:
- Clear and inspiring pictures of you- people are attracted to beautiful things so take advantage of this
- Catchy title- one that’s going to grab their attention. You can analyse the effectiveness of your title using this website: https://headlines.sharethrough.com/
- A content that offers high value to your audience, example sharing your results, transformation, success stories, tips etc
- Don’t need to write a long essay as chances are people won’t be reading your entire post
- Keep your posts and content simple, short, intentional with just a few lines. More importantly get straight to the message.
By consistently doing secrets #1, #2 and #3, Christine Innes, a TV show host and podcaster was inspired by my story and invited me to be interviewed on her show.

#4 Relationship
Okay, so now I’ve got the attention of a TV host and podcaster… what’s next right? What’s next is that when she booked me to appear on her show, I showed up. Don’t leave people hanging after they’ve given you an opportunity as it can seriously impact your credibility.
Over a period of time, we built a relationship and trust with each other. I’m constantly in her radar and supported her with her projects. Because I’m constantly sharing valuable content on social media, she was inspired by my success and the results that I created in my life. Remember, people get into business with people they trust. So it’s important that you nurture this relationship.
#5 Perfect Pitch
One day I was chatting with Christine on her podcast and she shared that she was launching her own magazine. I was like “OMG Christine, that’s awesome!!!” and I was truly proud of her success. Sometimes you never know where life is going to take you so remember to always value and appreciate the people in your life.
When I was a little girl and was out shopping with my mom, we would always pass by this small shop at the corner. It sells candies, ice cream and magazines. When I looked at the magazine covers of the beautiful and inspiring women, I thought to myself, “I wish it was me!”.
Now that I know that Christine was going to launch her own magazine, I thought to myself, “How can I make my dreams happen and at the same time support Christine’s dreams too?”. Remember when you’re pitching an idea to someone, it isn’t just about you. It’s about how BOTH of you can get something beneficial from the collaboration. So when you pitch to other people, think about, “What’s in it for them?” and clearly share that vision with them.
So I pitched my idea to Christine and shared how we can BOTH WIN from this collaboration and she said YES!
And I am proud to announce that on Monday 14th September, I was blessed to grace the front cover of The Corporate Escapist Magazine!!!!! It truly is a dream come true. Check it out here: https://www.thecorporateescapists.com
Biggest Take Away
More than anything I hope my story will help you to inspire you that:
- Dreams do come true. Set your intentions, take an action everyday and trust in God to deliver it.
- What other people say is irrelevant. They have ZERO power over you.
- Bring the power back to you. The only thing that matters is that faith and belief that you have in yourself.
I can’t wait to hear from you about making your dreams come true or even getting on a media feature. Share it with me in the comment below and wishing you INCREDIBLE success!
Anything is possible darlings xxx