It was a beautiful summer weekend in mid-July about 5 years ago when I could no longer ignore it.
I was completely miserable at work.
I left the office around 8pm on Friday evening.
Everyone else I knew was enjoying time with their families, happy hours with friends or on their way to the beach.
I was just hoping to get some rest before
I had to be back in the office at 8am on Saturday.
On Saturday morning, I dragged myself out of bed and reported to the office.
I sat through several hours of white-boarding sessions with a team of people who didn’t want to be there either.
The only bright spot (besides the free food) was that this was a nice respite from my usual client work, where I worked on a dysfunctional team with a verbally abusive client supporting a high-profile project that everyone knew was doomed to fail.
How was this my life?
How had I spent my whole career working long hours, playing office politics and networking with the right people to end up in this situation?
A situation where I had no control over my own time.
A situation where I worked with unpredictable, mean clients.
A situation where I had to constantly watch my back from manipulative colleagues.
A situation where the work bored me and didn’t make a difference.
I was ready for a change.
Shortly thereafter, I switched roles in the firm before leaving the organization entirely a year later.
I spent the next two years working for another organization and took my career in a different direction.
This prepared me to ultimately go off on my own and start my firm, Mosaic Growth Partners, a few years ago.
This transition from misery to freedom was not easy or quick.
But it taught me a lot.
You may be feeling stuck, under-appreciated or overwhelmed in your career trying to balance career and family.
And I want to help.
If you’re a woman who wants to earn equal pay and get the promotion, raise and respect you desire, then we should talk. Please book a free 30-minute consultation with me.
And, if you’re a man and you know a woman who may benefit from this discussion, please share this with her.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Originally published at