I love spending time with people. I love to be surrounded by old and new friends, to share experiences and dreams Until I realized that I loved it too much. I loved It to the point that I turned into the reflection of other people’s expectations and opinions.

The moment I became aware that I could not recognize anymore my authentic self, I knew it was time for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I had nothing to complain about, a beautiful relationship, an interesting job as a marketing manager in the health industry, a beautiful group of friends in Berlin. However, I was missing that sense of purpose and of deep connection with my inner self.

It was time for a change, to step out of my comfort zone. On a Sunday morning, I decided to book a flight to a place that was not on my bucket list, where none of my friend has ever been and to find out what future had in store for me. This place was Sri Lanka.

I arrived in Colombo with no plans. The teenager in me decided to go on Instagram to get some travel inspirations and this is how I found Unawatuna, a unique city in the south of Sri Lanka that combines surf, yoga and jungle life. I felt it immediately that there was something special in that place.

I jumped on a train and few hours later I arrived in Unawatuna. Buddha once said when the student is ready the teacher will appear. I knew I was ready and I was right. In this beach paradise, I found not one but three life teachers that helped me in my soul journey. Unawatuna was the right choice. These three incredible women guided me and helped me reconnect with true self. These are the three I learnt during this trip.

1. I am a dancer! My first encounter with Sundavi was quite intense, she immediately felt my energy and curiosity but also realized my struggle to focus. For her, the 5Rhythms dance, a movement meditation that combines shamanistic, mystical and eastern philosophy, was the cure. I have to admit that she was right. Through this practice I released my heart, freed the energy in my mind and connected to the essence of my soul. I still dance and every time I learn something new about myself and I feel so energized.

2. I have to trust my intuition. Magda is an incredible polish girl who decided to quit her job and become a SUP yoga teacher. She manages SUP Yoga Sri Lanka, the first SUP Yoga centre in the island and  the first one I have ever been to. When I first met her I was terrorized. I do yoga regularly but I only practice yoga on something that is 100% stable. Talking to Magda was more than a SUP yoga class, she taught about the importance of connecting with my body and the nature around us, of being presenting the moment. We started the day with a short meditation course and then we headed to a hidden lake in the jungle. It was so peaceful. She explained how to move on the sup and how to follow the movement of the water. We should never move against the force of nature. I learned to better listen the world around me rather than focusing only on thoughts. 

3. Our period holds so many information about ourselves. Andy is an Australian entrepreneur who moved to Sri Lanka to develop a board game that teaches women who to embrace their inner energy and read their period. Before meeting Andy, I thought that my period was only something painful that I had to go through once a month. Learning how my period is connected to the cosmic energy helped me embrace my female energy. This game will empower so many women around the world to connect with their true power. Unfortunately it is not available yet and we have still to wait some months.

I truly believe that we are just the sum of the people we met. I am so grateful to these incredible women to have shared with me their experiences and passions.

Always stay true to yourself!