The way we work is changing, and it’s never been more important for businesses to build trust and resilience within their workforce. That’s why Salesforce is bringing you, a source of solutions, products, services, partners, and expertise for working in the new normal. In this 5-part video series “How I Work,” Salesforce and Thrive Global explore the ways that different leaders and creators are adapting the way they work during COVID-19, and using technology to navigate challenges and plan for the future.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many — if not all — of our gatherings are being held online. From work-related meetings to Zoom birthday parties, many of us leave these virtual gatherings feeling drained, disconnected, or like our time was wasted. We wonder if there are ways to improve these digital exchanges to make them feel a little bit more like they did “before.”
That’s where Priya Parker, the author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters and executive producer and host of the New York Times podcast “Together Apart,” can offer her expertise. As a trained group conflict resolution facilitator, Parker has spent the last several months thinking critically about how we can meaningfully gather despite the obstacles posed by the pandemic — and her solutions are ones we can all try today. Watch the full video for Parker’s top five tips for making your next gathering more meaningful.