When hard times hit, stress levels will inevitably rise. In the crisis times that we’ve been universally experiencing, leaders often allow themselves to undergo extreme, chronic stress. This constant stress is what leads to burnout. And since crisis times are the worst time for leaders to burnout, they must have strategies in place to manage their own stress levels. Here are some practical ways that leaders can avoid burning out in times of crisis.
- Admit that you’re stressed.
The first step to avoid burning out as a leader is admitting that your stress levels are high. If you try to deny what you’re feeling and insist that “you’re fine,” you’re likely going to do more damage in the long run. Instead, practice self-awareness and admit what you’re feeling.
- Take breaks.
Since burnout is caused by chronic stress, you need to give yourself some relief from time to time. Even if you need to put in extra hours right now, keep it manageable. Take breaks during long workdays, and make sure that you can at least one day off every week.
- Do things you enjoy.
One of the best ways for anyone to relieve stress is to do activities they enjoy. Make your mental and emotional health a priority by carving out time for things you love. Does fishing bring you that nice zen feeling? Maybe golfing? Or spending a day hiking with your family? Whatever it is that leaves you feeling relaxed and refreshed, do more of that.
- Don’t neglect your physical health.
In crisis times, leaders are more likely to neglect their physical health, which increases the risk of burnout. Think of yourself as one of your most important business assets and make sure you’re taking care of your health. Eat healthy meals, drink lots of water, and get in at least some form of physical exercise 3 days per week. Don’t overlook the importance of full nights of sleep, which are especially critical in times of crisis. Remember, every problem is easier to solve when we’re rested and feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally.