There are times that it takes more strength to let go of control rather than hold on to it. One of the bitter pills we must swallow is that we have no control over our literary lives once projects are submitted. And this is not necessarily a bad thing if we keep it in mind. In fact, it can serve us in many ways. Fretting, worrying, and ruminating don’t pre- pare us for anything; they just zap our energies and distract us from present concerns. Once we have persevered through the hard part of writing and rewrite after rewrite and submit the manuscript, we’re powerless over the outcome.
In the words of novelist E. M. Forster, “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Surrender and letting go — the opposites of giving up or giving in—are actions of personal power, not defeat. They contribute to perseverance and inner peace, allowing us to focus on the things we can control and move forward with our writing lives.
What attitudes, feelings, or actions do you need to let go of to unblock your path, develop resilience, and propel you forward in your writing life? Write them down and contemplate each one.
Today’s Takeaway
Once you’ve done all you can do toward your writing plans, release your willfulness, let go of control, and welcome the serenity and calm waiting for you.

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