Every employer desires to get the most from their workforce. This is, however, not always the case considering there are so many obstacles that hinder the productivity levels of employees.  One of the biggest and most disturbing obstacles to employee engagement and productivity in the modern workplace is stress.

Even though most managers look for ways to curb work-related stress, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.  This does not mean you should give it all up since a healthy workplace environment helps in maintaining a positive outcome especially in a stressful atmosphere.

In this post, we will share some of the techniques you can employ if you’re to alleviate workplace stress. Remember to tailor them in line with the needs and preference of your workforce.

  • Prioritize Workplace Wellness

Employees tend to be more productive when they know you’re looking out for their health. The good deeds you do go a long way with your workforce. That’s why you need to encourage workplace wellness if you’re to create a thriving space. This does not mean you should go overboard or stretch your pockets but rather encourage exercise and healthy living. These are the best weapons you can leverage in your quest of handling workplace stress. 

By making exercises a priority, your team will no longer have to worry about the stress of their work and instead, concentrate on the task at hand. Better, it alleviates their mood thus making sure they stay happy at all times.  Make your team feel valued by subsidizing gym memberships, bringing a yoga instructor into the workplace once in a while or even give them healthy and fresh snacks in the office.

  • Change the Office Setting

A high percentage of employees link their stress to the work environment. That is why you need to make the office space a place to thrive in rather than a source of stress. Take some time and examine every aspect of your workspace and determine what might affect the wellness of your employees.  Simple things like a dull color scheme can affect employee engagement and reduce their productivity levels.

Revamp your office space by having a welcome message at the doors and update the habitat using new silverware or additional plants. If you have ample space, you can include an exercise area where your team can take their mind off their stress for a couple of minutes. Any positive change you make to the office space is certainly going to reduce stress.

  • Workplace Recognition

Employees feel valued the moment you appreciate them when they do something good for the company.  By making workplace recognition a priority you’ll benefit from a rise in employee engagement.  Better, your team becomes more productive since they have a positive rapport with the organization’s management.

Even though recognizing your employees can yield tremendous results in terms of engagement, you need to be aware that people have different personalities. What this simply means is you ought to be fully aware of how and when to recognize your workforce.  Do not assume everyone would prefer a call-out during a meeting as the best form of appreciation.  Learn what your employees love and you will never be disappointed.

Final Thoughts

As an employer, it is your sole responsibility to ensure the office space fosters wellness. The simple things you do will not only improve the health and life of your team but also increase engagement and productivity levels. This is just what you need to achieve business success.
