‘Marriage’ seems to be an ordinary word. Indeed, there are multiple emotional associations people used to link with it. For somebody, it sounds like ‘Hurray! Marriage’ for other – ‘Marriage? Are you serious?’ Unfortunately, the last variant is more widespread nowadays and when we will tell you that this social phenomenon can keep you out of troubles the followers of the last association, most likely, think at once about juridical aspects such as ease at getting the visa to some countries or something else. We want to highlight the primary ‘ideal’ function of linking two lives in a single one, not an official registration as a socially required necessity.
You are not lonely: together in grieve and happiness
Do you ever think seriously about the phrase “together in grieve and happiness”? When we are young, have parents, sibling and many friends we cannot imagine that one day we can leave alone. Indeed, it in real life we face loneliness even having a broad communicational circle. There are a vast number of life situations in which you cannot ask the help of parents (they will be disappointed or upset), siblings (they have their own life and troubles). What can be said about friends: your troubles are not interesting for them; they need you happy and not overloaded with problems. You are alone.
A single person who could and should be in your life twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year is your wife or husband! It does not matter your trouble is depressed mood or life tragedy. It does not matter could it do something for you or just listen to your crazy ideas. His or her presence, readiness to be aside of you, understand and feel the same emotions – it is the point since often assisting in renewing the life forces is what we need in difficult life situations.
When you need a wise solution in a responsible moment, you need advice based on experience differing from yours, using another approach or way of thinking. You need the conversation. In the matters you could not share with society, your couple is your best adviser: two heads is always better than one
Avoiding overloading: sharing the duties
Life is a very dynamic phenomenon and often there is a need to be in two places in one minute. Sometimes, we all need a twin who would be able to carry our daily duties. Caregiving the parents or children – one of such important moments. Skeptics can argue that there is always an opportunity to pay for somebody’s service, indeed paid support does not provide the emotional contribution. The assistance of your party is a part of your emotions, represent the care of family because you are a one piece.
For skeptics, we will appeal to the business matter. Why do you think the cluster activity is so popular in the latest years? Because it helps in getting more profit when contributing fewer efforts at the expense of sharing the production processes. This rule is actual for getting life success.
Self-fulfillment crisis
If you tell that your social image and your internal “I” are similar, we can bet you lie at this moment. We all wear the social masks and it is random cases one can demonstrate his or her true nature, aspirations, dreams, beliefs and other ‘holy of the holies’ of our inner world. Apparently, the majority of these cases is possible when you are in the company of persons who know about you everything. Maybe surprisingly, but your couple is that company more often. You free in your self-representation. You can be who you really are. It is the moment of relaxation. It is needed since suppressing your inner ‘I’ may cost a lot for psychological and physiological health.
One more important moment – our mistakes. We make them a lot, nobody is ideal. Indeed, society not always is able to forgive the failures. Only family loves you in any circumstances even when you make awful things. Under family, we mean parents, siblings and couple. GSDiamonds reccomends to consider important thing: your parents may leave this world; your sibling can be on distance. A single person who is near you – your couple.
Besides, the fact he or she is your additional head, it is your additional heart. Do not undermine the marriage! Apparently, it is said about your right choice: if you succeed to find the true part of you.