To begin with, try to think when was the last time that you were fully aware of yourself? No, don’t over think it! Whatever popped in your mind is the best answer for this one!
If a moment pops in mind, then that’s a good thing! It most likely means that you can consciously recall the time where you had this kind of idea in you.

But if the next thing you did after answering the question was desperately trying to recall the times when you were lost, or just plain analyzing everything, then that must be a good warning sign for you.

Lacking that moment of clarity can signify a need to improve your mindfulness levels. After all, mindfulness operates with the presumption that it leads to greater self-awareness. When you do practices that allow you to become more mindful of yourself, your consciousness is empowered. Thus, you can recall things better because when you did them, you were fully conscious of it.

With this, where does increased mindfulness bring us? When we become more aware of ourselves, we get to explore that there are more things beyond what we usually perceive. As we train ourselves to be more mindful, we allow it to evolve and reach higher tiers of human existence.

To support this point, consider, for instance, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In this classic theory, man is assumed to pursue these goods as follows:

How Mindfulness will enhance your Spiritual Life

Now if we observe this pyramid of needs, we’ll see that at the bottom we have instinctual needs such as food, water, warmth, rest. These are things that we pursue without need of thinking because we know we need them for survival. Similarly, security and safety ensure that we can live even before we think of anything else.

Mindfulness doesn’t play much of a role here given that people pursue these things on an instinctual level, just like how a mother lioness would protect her cubs. Even so, having greater levels of mindfulness in this section will allow you to become more specific on the needs that you select.

Following this, we have the psychological needs of individuals. Demand for love, belongingness, relationships, feeling of accomplishment, and self-esteem are located a notch or two higher than those below. Meaning, these psychological needs are assumed to be of higher value than the basic pursuits that we have in life.

As such, mindfulness often begins on this section. When we begin assessing our life choices, we become more mindful of what we think and how we act. Thinking, for instance, how we can become a better team member or manager shows that we are consciously assessing ourselves.

Finally, we have the last level, which is self-actualization. In this level, one seeks his/her full potential and creative activities. Even more complex than the internal and external relationships that we have, this level entails a sense of completeness.

But how can we be complete despite our imperfect states? This question has long puzzled even the greatest thinkers of history. What is self-actualization in a world with nothing but imperfection? How do we transcend the physical and relational worlds that we’re in?

One answer to this question is exploring our own spirituality. By grasping on questions about life’s mysteries and problems, we go beyond thinking only about ourselves. For instance, inquiring about say “what is the nature of the human person? What is my purpose for living? Why am I here? Is there life after death?” are some of the basic questions that can deepen our experience as human persons.

After all, these transcendental questions are those that cannot be answered simply by employing the methods of science. These types of inquiry heavily require a strong sense of deeper spirituality given that we need to go beyond reason to grapple such.

Furthermore, this dimension of our existence also involves bearing the cross of the mysterious and the incomprehensible. With paranormal and unexplainable events, theories, and concepts, the spiritual aspect of ourselves simply tells us that there is more beyond your human existence. Sightings of unexplainable things and intangible energies support the idea that we aren’t limited in these material and physical dimensions.

With that, a trained mind will greatly aid you in your journey towards spirituality. Increasing your levels of mindfulness means that you will be able to approach these questions head-on given that even with their strange nature, you can still remain intact.

As you are fully aware of yourself and your actions, you don’t need to be backed in a corner when you face them. Instead, you can push forwards given that the inner you is intact, giving you that total seat of control. Thus, even when you can be fazed by spiritual energies of healing stones or chakra meditation, you won’t be thrown out of balance because of your increased mindfulness.

Finally, mindfulness will enhance your spiritual life as it will naturally aid your thought process. By being more mindful, you can sift through the unnecessary ideas that can pop in your head as you move along. Such important skill will allow you to breeze through insecurities and uncertainties that are normal when you pursue your spiritual life.

With these tips and insights, it is crucial to remember how mindfulness works on the different levels of human existence. By seeing how it can change the way we view each aspect of our life, we will be able to make use of it in deciding the spiritual path that we are going to take.

Mindfulness doesn’t play much of a role here given that people pursue these things on an instinctual level, just like how a mother lioness would protect her cubs. Even so, having greater levels of mindfulness in this section will allow you to become more specific on the needs that you select.

Following this, we have the psychological needs of individuals. Demand for love, belongingness, relationships, feeling of accomplishment, and self-esteem are located a notch or two higher than those below. Meaning, these psychological needs are assumed to be of higher value than the basic pursuits that we have in life.

As such, mindfulness often begins on this section. When we begin assessing our life choices, we become more mindful of what we think and how we act. Thinking, for instance, how we can become a better team member or manager shows that we are consciously assessing ourselves.

Finally, we have the last level, which is self-actualization. In this level, one seeks his/her full potential and creative activities. Even more complex than the internal and external relationships that we have, this level entails a sense of completeness.

But how can we be complete despite our imperfect states? This question has long puzzled even the greatest thinkers of history. What is self-actualization in a world with nothing but imperfection? How do we transcend the physical and relational worlds that we’re in?

One answer to this question is exploring our own spirituality. By grasping on questions about life’s mysteries and problems, we go beyond thinking only about ourselves. For instance, inquiring about say “what is the nature of the human person? What is my purpose for living? Why am I here? Is there life after death?” are some of the basic questions that can deepen our experience as human persons.
After all, these transcendental questions are those that cannot be answered simply by employing the methods of science. These types of inquiry heavily require a strong sense of deeper spirituality given that we need to go beyond reason to grapple such.

Furthermore, this dimension of our existence also involves bearing the cross of the mysterious and the incomprehensible. With paranormal and unexplainable events, theories, and concepts, the spiritual aspect of ourselves simply tells us that there is more beyond your human existence. Sightings of unexplainable things and intangible energies support the idea that we aren’t limited in these material and physical dimensions.

With that, a trained mind will greatly aid you in your journey towards spirituality. Increasing your levels of mindfulness means that you will be able to approach these questions head-on given that even with their strange nature, you can still remain intact.

As you are fully aware of yourself and your actions, you don’t need to be backed in a corner when you face them. Instead, you can push forwards given that the inner you is intact, giving you that total seat of control. Thus, even when you can be fazed by spiritual energies of healing stones or chakra meditation, you won’t be thrown out of balance because of your increased mindfulness.

Finally, mindfulness will enhance your spiritual life as it will naturally aid your thought process. By being more mindful, you can sift through the unnecessary ideas that can pop in your head as you move along. Such important skill will allow you to breeze through insecurities and uncertainties that are normal when you pursue your spiritual life.

With these tips and insights, it is crucial to remember how mindfulness works on the different levels of human existence. By seeing how it can change the way we view each aspect of our life, we will be able to make use of it in deciding the spiritual path that we are going to take.
