A year wasted without the slightest achievement. What a waste of life! It is December already… what can be fixed now?

So said the lousy critic inside my head.

Her words sank into my stomach like a ball of bitterness and lingered there for days until I told the b*tch to bug off.

I know many of you must be thinking the same. What have we achieved this year? Not many of us won international awards, published best-sellers, won the lottery, married the love of our life, walked the red carpet, climbed Everest, salsa-danced on the moon, traveled the world on a private jet, smoked a joint in the president’s office or signed a $1 million deal.

However, unless you spent 12 months moving between the bed and the couch while chatting online or playing lame video games, I’m sure as hell you’ve made at least 5 accomplishments. Taking the slightest step forward towards achieving one of your dreams or making the world a better place is definitely an achievement you must be very happy about and proud of.

If you said yes to at least one of these statements, it means your 2017 was not wasted at all:

1) You made at least one wonderful, smart, funny and/or talented friend who is truthful to you and really cares about you.

2) You walked out of at least one situation that was harming your wellbeing—like leaving a toxic workplace for good or kicking a psychopathic manager in the groin… then leaving the workplace for good. 

3) You embarked on doing at least one thing you loved even if it made you no money. Maybe you started painting, crocheting, blogging or baking in your free time, or maybe you started taking yoga or dance classes.

4) You made at least $100 from doing something you love. 

5) Your talent or character was admired by at least one person who mattered—an influencer, your role model, a parent, your heartthrob or a very successful stranger; could be anyone, as long as they mattered.

6) You accepted a job where you could do something you loved and was respected by your management and peers.

7) You helped at least one person get closer to achieving one of their goals; you helped a student fill a college application, recommended someone for a job, pushed someone to write for a good media outlet, taught someone how to sing, got someone out of trouble or helped a friend hide a body—forget the last one, I was kidding.

8) You did one thing that felt very liberating. 

You went hiking, tried skydiving, snorkeled in the Bahamas’ waters, smoked cannabis for the first time, got wasted for the first time, spent the night out on the streets with friends, allowed yourself to fall in love, gave a speech in front of a large crowd, baked a giant cake or perhaps you danced half-naked in the street.

9) You took a leap of faith into the unknown even when it seemed very dangerous and scary.

10) You started caring about your physical and mental health, even if it were as little as walking for 15 minutes every day or brushing your teeth twice a day.

11) You gave money to someone who really needed it and could not afford to borrow it.

12) You helped at least one person feel better about themselves, even if this included smacking them in the face when necessary.

13) You were the bully target for a while at school, work or home.

“Often the bully target is smart, competent, well-liked and self-assured. In fact, targets are often the most veteran and skilled person in the workgroup,” wrote Sally Kane, attorney, editor and writer specializing in legal, career and business topics.

14) You failed, but you cleaned the dust off your shoulders and got back on your feet in quest of a new dream. 

15) You kicked the critic inside your head in the guts. 

Do not underestimate any achievement for mountains are made of pebbles. 

Merry Christmas and an enchanting New Year to all of you!