In all these confinement days I was fine, working from home, being so lucky to be in my company that takes care of its employees and knowing that my family and friends were healthy and safe.
I was conscious that my priorities then were my family and friend’s health, work, and working out. That’s all. Not myself, not my stress or anxiety, nor my time neither my health.
Always without time for anything, before the quarantine and after.
It looked like I was the busiest woman in the world. At work, always in meetings, workshops, trainings, networking coffees or quick breaks with colleagues or just rushing from one room to another one.
In my personal life: meeting friends during the week, dancing lessons, going and coming back from work by bicycle, running, visiting parents and family, and always rushing and rushing again, without thinking about me. Just seeing my life pass and not even enjoying it hundred per cent.
Unfortunately in this quarantine I had some health issues that made me feel really bad, sad and with lots of fears. I could never imagine that this will happen to me, but I had to accept it.
After many days being negative, feeling down, and with no energy at all because I couldn’t walk almost, I couldn’t leave my place, I was depending on my family to do normal things (cooking, cleaning, etc.), is when I realized how important it is my health and myself to be number one in my list of priorities.
I started seeing things in another way, appreciating little things, messages, calls or visits from parents, friends, colleagues, my manager’s and team support, not being materialist, trying to enjoy life with my limitations at and most importantly I got to know myself.
Before I didn’t know that I was so sensitive and that in a situation like I was and I am still, I could be so weak and that I could feel so many fears without knowing what I had, being so tired because of the lack of sleep due to the pain, being exhausted because of so many tests in the hospital, because of the medicines, etc.
But I learnt. I learnt a lot. I learnt that I need to enjoy the little things, the people that I love and surround me, birds singing in the morning, sun shining, listening to the heavy rain or just watching a movie by myself, celebrate life, and my health. It doesn’t matter if I am in a paradisiac beach, or in my living room, I just want to be surrounded by the important people in my life. A few of them, yes, not many. But the most important ones, the ones who care about me in the good and the bad moments, the ones that are always there.
In addition, now I am more available, despite that I have less mobility and I have to rest a lot, I have more time for everyone, and if not, I just make it. I think many of us tend to live in a non-real world where “we are so busy” with all of our activities without time for anyone, but it’s just something that we come up with and it’s an exercise that I recommend to do it to everyone: just prioritize the most important things in your life and do what you really want to do and what makes you happy.
Now I’ve learnt and still a lot to learn how to peacefully enjoy every single thing, from when I wake up, till when I go to sleep despite my health condition.
I am proud of this lesson that life has given to me.