I recently returned from 5 days in Ireland with my 2 wonderful children, and I have to say it was one of the most inspiring, amazing and eye-opening experiences of my entire life. I’d love to share a bit about it, in the hopes that the powerful lessons I came away with will also inspire you, and help you live more bravely and honestly. 

First, in planning the trip, as a newly divorced woman, I “found brave” and charted out a whole series of trips throughout Ireland with my kids. This was a first for me, to make all the international travel plans across a country myself with my grown kids, and to be confident enough to believe I could navigate this unfamiliar place with my children, and have it all work out beautifully. And it did! 

From the moment we arrived, to the minute we left, it was a magical experience. We saw so much that moved us: from the glorious mountains of Wicklow, to the monastic site of Glendalough, to the small but memorable town of Avoca, to the seaside villages of Malahide and Howth, and the sumptuous streets, pubs and churches of Dublin, to medieval Kilkenny, we had the most beautiful times together that we’ll never forget. 

But most powerful was the day we spent in conversation and learning with the amazing Irish mystic, bestselling author and spiritual leader Lorna Byrne. I had learned of Lorna a few years ago through the inspiring New York Times bestselling author Mike Dooley, and was transfixed by her messages and her spiritual connection. Lorna sees angels literally and physically, in the same way you and I see human beings. I was so intrigued by her messages and her authenticity and bravery that I then proceeded to read all four of her books in a two-week period. For me, it was so riveting and transformative to soak in her beautiful messages. 

Finally, I found the courage to reach out directly to Lorna last year to ask if I could conduct a video interview, and she said yes! 

Here’s that video interview, if you’re interested:

Lorna Byrne and Kathy Caprino – Messages from the Angels

We then recorded another video awhile later about The Future of the World, and in my heart, I so longed to connect in a more personal way, and meet Lorna. Finally, I got the chance, and decided to make it a family trip to Ireland so we all could benefit from Lorna’s guidance. 

In meeting her and her beautiful daughter Aideen, we learned so much about our own guardian angels, the divine within and around us, and how to connect deeply with the guidance of our angels. I’ll be writing more about this amazing experience in the weeks to come, but I wanted to share now the top five lessons I came away with from my time with Lorna and in Ireland. 

They are: 

1) Truly listen, then act 

When you hear that voice inside your head whispering advice and guidance about what to do, TAKE IT! Don’t delay, don’t doubt, don’t question, don’t hesitate. It’s divine guidance meant to propel you forward and also protect you from serious missteps that will keep you from your purpose and your best plans, and from harm. Take action, and don’t wait. 

One step I am committed to take is writing a story I’ve been developing for years about a powerful and tragic past life memory that emerges in a women’s life and transforms everything for her. I’m finally ready to finish writing this soulful story.

What do you hear whispering to you that you long to do but haven’t acted bravely to make it happen?

2) Practice 

As is true of anything important you want to cultivate in your life, it takes energy, dedication and commitment to build an ongoing practice that will enhance your life. 

If you want to feel more connected spiritually – to yourself, others, your work and your life – you have to build a practice for it. Whatever way makes you feel most connected to life and to your soul within, focus your energy on it each and every day. Don’t allow yourself to get lazy and break that connection. For me, that means reading passages from Lorna’s books every day, as they inspire me tremendously. (My favorite book of Lorna’s is Angels In My Hair – check it out!) 

3) Look deeply

On a beautiful walk in nature, Lorna spent time teaching me and my son how to literally “see” the energy that is all around us. And the more we engaged in really “looking” for signs of this energy, the more we saw and experienced it in remarkable ways – colors, movement, and more. Just open your eyes to the amazing life and energy all around you, and you’ll start to see it all in a new way. 

4) Believe

So much more wisdom and help is available to us than we currently experience, because we erect a wall within and around us through our skepticism and disbelief. 

If you’re ready for a deeper connection to life and yourself, let go of your skepticism and let yourself have faith that there IS more to life than you are seeing and experiencing today. 

and finally… 

5) Find Brave

Truthfully speaking, because I’m known as a person who writes and coaches about business, career and professional issues, many think that spirituality is something separate from those issues and topics, and that my talking about and engaging in spiritual practices runs counter to business or professional success or doesn’t belong in the same conversation. 

I’m going to share bravely here and tell you that from my perspective, nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Cultivating your own spiritual growth and connection, understanding what your soul wants in this lifetime, and honoring that from your heart and core — and aligning yourself with amazing people who are in harmonious sympathy with your life’s purpose and goals — is NOT antithetical to business or professional success. It’s essential to it. 

The more I allow myself to identify and honor my soulful yearnings, thoughts, and feelings, the more my life unfolds in a joyful and successful way rather than in chaos and pain. 

Our time with Lorna was unforgettable and I’m so grateful for it. (Here we are as we’re saying farewell – but only for now, I hope.) 

Lorna Byrne and Kathy Caprino, April 2018

I hope these thoughts above resonate with you, and help you to build a practice that supports your connection with your own spirit and the divine guidance within you.

And here’s to mustering more bravery to become more of the authentic, spiritual and heart-centered individual you long to be, on this planet, at this time. 

Brave love to you,

If you’re interested in seeing Lorna yourself, you can! She’s joining NYT bestselling author Mike Dooley on their “Using All Of Your Angels” tour this summer in the U.S. Here’s all about it. Sign up today! You’ll find Lorna and Mike so inspirational. 

And if you’d like hands-on help to connect more deeply to your own spirit and soul in both life and work, join me in my Live Your True Spirit private coaching program. I’d love to support you on this journey.


  • Kathy Caprino

    Hi! I’m a career and leadership coach, writer, and speaker dedicated to the advancement of women in business.

    Kathy Caprino, LLC

    Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an internationally-recognized career and leadership coach, writer, speaker and trainer dedicated to helping professional women  "find brave" and close their power gaps to create more success, fulfillment and reward in their lives and work. A former corporate Vice President, a trained marriage and family therapist, and the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough and the new book The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery-Boosting Paths to Career Bliss, Kathy is the Founder of Kathy Caprino, LLC and of the Amazing Career Project online career course and the Amazing Career Coach Certification training program. She is a Senior Contributor on Forbes.com and leading voice on Thrive Global and LinkedIn, and a top media source on careers, women’s issues, and leadership and has appeared in over 200 of the nation’s leading publications, and on national radio and TV. Her podcast Finding Brave ranks in the top 100 Apple Career Podcasts in the U.S. and beyond, and shares compelling interviews with top business and leadership experts, bestselling authors, creatives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who are making a brave difference with their work. For more information, visit KathyCaprino.com and FindingBrave.org, check out her new course The Most Powerful You, and connect with Kathy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.