From school to college, university then your career path we are all taught one simple lesson, a set of rules we must abide by, a handbook of ‘happiness’. That handbook always reads — We work, earn some form of wealth, all in the hopes that over the years of working that wealth will grow, you will be able to purchase a car, a home, take a vacation once a year and save as much money as physically possible, save, save, save.

Image by Dawid Zawila |

If you complete these unwritten, unproven rules then happiness must be handed to you, happiness lies in the hands of wealth.

I think, actually, I hope you will agree that life doesn’t always plan out in such a way, in most cases quite the opposite, in most cases, we all end up with just enough, just enough to live, just enough to eat.

Does this mean we don’t get a shot at happiness?

Well, that’s just the thing, the truth is after years of searching for that wealth, that success and the happiness everyone before me speaks of, I soon realized that’s not where happiness lies at all, in fact, happiness lies closer to home than we think.

Happiness, this wonderful thing used to describe the feeling of content, warmth, laughter and the feeling of no worry, a feeling I suppose for some aligns with the idea of success.

That happiness isn’t connected to wealth at all, actually that feeling we are all searching for is completely free, it’s a feeling we are born with and carry in the corners of our minds throughout our lives, some realize quite early on in life that they already hold such a feeling. Others never realize it’s there at all.

But it is there, in your mind, your children and your friends.

In order to find this feeling of happiness, you must first find yourself — Finding yourself is a widely overused phrase, to put it in simple terms you have to find what makes you happy, it took me years to realize this.

When you have discovered yourself, surrounded yourself with the nonmaterial things that make you happy like friends, family and the things you are passionate about, whether that be reading, writing or anything, you have already unlocked the door that’s keeping happiness at bay.

Now to release it.

Like any emotion, unfortunately, happiness doesn’t have a switch, it doesn’t even hold out a hand, some days you will lose it but know you will know where to find it.

Happiness will eventually come to you when you find one simple, almost magical emotion, feeling or even thought — Peace.

Peace will set you free from all negative emotions, thoughts, and people, peace will make you feel alive, peace will set you free from the imaginary handbook of lies that makes you believe happiness is found within wealth.

Peace, peace is what you are looking for, find it cherish it and never let it go.

You, like everyone else in the world, will have days where all hope is lost, all emotions depleted and tomorrow will seem so far away but the peace inside will ground you and relieve the pain of today.

Peace is simple, peace is free, peace is calm, it took me so many years to find it, so many wasted years of sadness, sorrow and stress. Don’t let me mislead you, I have had many happy days but nothing compared to the feeling I feel today, tomorrow and forever.

Unfortunately, peace isn’t as easy to find as this reads, but it can be found, I found it when I changed my life and started to focus on what I love writing, diet, health, meditation, mindfulness, and reading. Them things combined give me an almighty feeling of peace, that alongside my children, wife, and home.

Wealth, I left behind. Yes, money is quite essential to live and small amounts will ensure your fed, clothed and have a home. Don’t focus on growing that wealth, focus on growing your happiness, the real happiness, the peace within.

Find it in your passions, dreams, and soul, find it deep in your mind in your own thoughts, not in the misguided thoughts society makes you believe are true. Live your life your way with no real restrictions, feel and embrace freedom.

To conclude: Happiness is found within, peace will make you much richer than wealth ever will.

Find your peace.