What has quantum physics got to do with business? People often ask me this question and it’s no surprise if it boggles your mind too.
Well, quantum physics is the basis of life. Our life, the world, and the Universe work on the principles of quantum physics.
Though quantum physics does not directly help in doing business, we can learn from its principles and apply them in our business to get clarity, overcome problems, and achieve success.
Genius Leaders can use this understanding to make more profits, generate enormous goodwill, and give back to our society and the planet.
Find out what type of leader you are here
Let’s understand the very basics of quantum physics.
What is Quantum Physics and What are the Quantum Phenomena?
First, know what is quantum. It is the smallest indivisible form or amount of any physical entity. Like photon is a quantum of light or cents are the quanta (plural of quantum) of a dollar.
Quantum physics is the branch of physics that studies matter and energy at its most fundamental level. It tells us about how everything works.
Briefly, here are the four basic tenets or phenomena of quantum physics:
1) Wave-particle duality
This is the aspect of duality — all particles can behave like waves, and all waves can behave like particles.
2) Principle of uncertainty
Quantum physics is probabilistic, or there is always an element of uncertainty.
3) Quantum entanglement
According to quantum physics, an entangled system of more than one particle is one where the individual particles behave as an inseparable whole.
4) Quantization
In physics, quantization is the process of transition from a classical understanding of physical phenomena to a newer understanding known as quantum mechanics.
Thus, from quantum physics, we get the four quantum phenomena, which are duality, uncertainty, entanglement, and quantization.
You may want to check out some of the videos on my YT channel, Quantum Adam.
Understanding the Quantum Business
Let us analyze what happens in a business and compare it with the principles of quantum physics that we just learned.
Duality: In business, you experience duality. You as a leader are one entity. The other entity is your company or customer. You experience this dualistic nature in business because you treat both as separate entities.
Uncertainty: You do not know what’s going to happen next in a business. There might be trade wars, or new regulations to comply with, or a deadly virus, or you may have a new technology to deal with. There is a lot of uncertainty in business.
Click here to know 21 Ways to Navigate Uncertainty
Entanglement: You go to the market and entangle yourself or your company within the marketplace. You meet other companies or customers, share the same thoughts or wavelengths, join or work together to crack up a deal, and do business.
Quantization: This is the journey you make from being separate to being unified. It’s the process of experiencing duality to unity. What you do is bring it all together as one whole and engage to guarantee assured business through the process of quantization.
Quantum Leadership Equation
We see how the four quantum phenomena relate to business. You go through a process of duality, uncertainty, entanglement, and quantization in business. To make things better, incorporate the fifth element into your quantum equation for business, and that is YOU!
You as a quantum leader are the secret sauce that makes all the difference in the world. I refer to this inner being and hidden leader within you as the Genius Leader.
As a Genius Leader, knowing the difference between head and heart, you lead from the heart. You’re connected with your whole and not to a separate ego. You use your Genius Mind and connect to the Quantum Field to create awesomeness.
After you change the equation by incorporating Genius Leadership, you’ll experience that suddenly it produces goodwill, more profits, and favorable feedbacks. Things happen for the benefit of the whole of your business.
When you become a Genius Leader, you inject your quantumness into your business and take it to another level. You transform your business by transforming your one mind into a quantum mind, which I call the Genius Mind.
You as a quantum leader can make the difference to achieve more goodwill and success in your business, all thanks to quantum physics and its quantum principles that help you redefine your business and life.